Kennedy who said Tel Aviv is Israel's capital wins primary in Mass 4

The article goes on to discount Republican Sean Bielat's chances of beating Kennedy. I wouldn't do that. Bielat gave Barney Frank quite a run for his money two years ago, and he's attacking Kennedy on Israel today.
Let's go to the videotape.
I know I have a bunch of readers in Mass 4 and I hope you will get the word out to vote for Bielat.
Labels: Campaign 2012, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Massachusetts
Kennedy will win. It is the name they are voting for and the hope that he will be just like his grandfather.
It's been a minor pleasantry these last few years, finally not having a Kennedy in the US Congress. Without exception, in office, they've been particularly hypocritical "limousine liberals", with a penchant for living without what most people would consider a normal amount of moral decency and self-discipline.
I hope Mr. Bielat wins.
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