Pancake party ahead?
In a wide-ranging interview with The Jerusalem Post, [Rachel's mother] Cindy described herself as “naive” when the trial started two years ago about what it would look like and its ability to reveal more about what led to her daughter’s death and how the investigation was conducted.Bottom line: Trials like this one impede the IDF's fight against terrorism by making matters depend upon how a court may view them in the future. No other army in the world operates with this type of impediment.
The Corries said that while they remained “optimistic” about the result, they also knew from the start that suing the Defense Ministry would be an “uphill battle.”
While they did not want to prejudge the outcome of the case, Craig appeared to make it clear that they were ready to go to the Supreme Court if the Defense Ministry was not found liable.
Cindy said that while she found various decisions the judge made about the admissibility of evidence troubling, she also felt that she had “bonded” on some level with the judge.
“We sat in court with him for two-and-a-half years,” she said, and he tried to convey messages to them turning in their direction and speaking to them through their lawyer (the Corries do not speak Hebrew). The family highlighted several of the points that have emerged in dispute over the course of the trial.
Sarah, Rachel’s sister, said that bilingual observers who attended the hearings disputed the translations made by the court translator relating to the testimony of some of the key eye witnesses’ who testified in English.
Labels: IDF, International Solidarity Movement, Rachel Corrie
what bothers me most is the state dept support of the corries.
neither the bush or obama admin have done the right thing...label the ism a terrorist org, which by all that is right, they should be.
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Hey bacci40 - The TBI (traumatic brain injury) docs are figuring out all kinds of computer things that are improving brain function... so think of straining to discern the letters and numbers in that bot thing as teeth-brushing for your brain. It will help keep dimentia at bay... :)
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