Germany cooperated with PLO after Munich

In its Sunday issue, Spiegel reported that the talks were initiated at the behest of the West German government, located at the time in Bonn, for fear that Black September would commit additional acts of terror on German soil.Of course, Germany was not the only European country to behave this way, but that doesn't make it any less reprehensible.
According to the report, just several months after the murders, the government proposed a secret meeting between a Black September official and then-German foreign minister Walter Scheel, the aim of the which was to create a "new basis of trust."
Germany’s government demanded a quid pro quo: the PLO would cease terror attacks on German soil in exchange for a political upgrade of the PLO. In addition, the German government would pull the plug on any criminal charges for the murders in Munich.
The magazine reported that when the French police arrested Oudeh Abu Daoud, one of the main organizers of the Munich killing spree, and inquired about extraditing him to the German authorities, the Bavarian justice secretary Alfred Seidl (Christian Social Union party) recommended that Germany take no action. The French released Abu Daoud, and Syria’s Assad regime protected him until his death at a Damascus hospital in 2010.
Labels: Germany, Munich Olympic massacre
The old Axis was alive and well...
In Italy, by 1977, the Italian Government had given - by initiative of Aldo Moro - an Embassy and complete safe-passage to PLO terrorists as long as they did not commit their murders on Italian territory.
There were a few "glitches": like ground-to-air shoulder held rocket-lauchers and rockets caught by Italian police in the hands of some red terrorists who were just in-between-men for PLO operatives...
Eight years later, the Italian Government, headed by convicted criminal Bettino Craxi, who ended his life a few years later in a luxurious Tunisian exile not far from AraBfaRt, almost arrived to an armed confrontation in the NATO Airbase of Sigonella Sicily with the US Delta Force, after the USAF highjacked an Egyptian 737 carrying Abu Abbas, the PLO masterminding of the highjacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, ztuq"l, Hi"d, for which, 10 years later, Rudy Giuliani, the last REAL friend of Israel who ran for the GOP Presidential Nomination, who had been among the prosecutors of the Achille Lauro case, had an arrest warrant issued against Yasser AraBfaRt when he travelled to NY City to gloat at the UN.
Useless to say that all the Court Jews like ADL, etc., screamed murder against Giuliani, since they were all so messianically involved in the piece-by-piece process...
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