NJDC takes down Adelson campaign

"Regarding our recent campaign surrounding Sheldon Adelson, we don't believe we engaged in character assassination," said the statement sent late Wednesday by David Harris, NJDC's president, and Marc Stanley, its chairman. "We stand by everything we said, which was sourced from current, credible news accounts."I don't believe that they did this for shalom bayit; that's never been a real NJDC concern. They're Democrats first and Jews second.
"Accusations against Mr. Adelson were made not by us, but by others, including Senator John McCain (R-AZ)," Harris and Stanley said.
"Nonetheless, we regret the concern that this campaign has caused. And in the interest of shalom bayit (peace in our home / community), we are going to take down our petition today. Moving forward, we'll continue to work hard to fight against the unique threat posed by the outsized influence of certain individual megadonors, which rightly concerns most Americans and most American Jews."
But I find it curious that they say that they will "continue to work hard to fight against the unique threat posed by the outsized influence of certain individual megadonors, which rightly concerns most Americans and most American Jews." If anyone gets the chance, please ask them whether that means they will refuse to support candidates who take Soros money, including one Barack Hussein Obama.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012, George Soros, National Jewish Democratic Council, Sheldon Adelson
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