In Egypt, the end of a chapter

No matter what the outcome is, I am neither depressed nor demotivated. I have resolved, many months ago, that this revolution is continuing with or without me, and that the clash with the state and the MB is inevitable and coming, and that it won’t stop anytime soon, mainly because the problems that sparked it are real, and no one has attempted to fix them, and they are getting worse by the minute. Whether we like it or not, whether we live to see it or not, this fight will continue. Many people keep saying that there is no turning back, without actually understanding what that means. Well, it means that there is no exit strategy for this mess, no quick fix solution, and no way out without serious compromises by all parties, which will not happen without political or real clashes, and won’t stop until equilibrium is reached. For better or worse, what we had before won’t happen again. This ship has sailed. Understand what that means, and make your choices accordingly, but know this: Fight or Flight, there is no going back. The next Chapter begins now.I wonder whether there are any other Egyptians who think like him.
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Labels: Egyptian Revolution
Unfortunately, Sandmonkey tweeted one time that the treaty with Israel should end, or something like that. I would take him more seriously if he would flat out say that Israel is irrelevant to Egypt's current renovation and that the treaty should stand. And Jews should be left alone. But if he says that, does it make him an apostate (disaster for him!)? He's got to know that there's nothing new for thousands of years until they give up their search for someone to blame (the Jews! Israel!) and fix their own system.
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I remember that post. The tweet I'm thinking of was during the last year... "Arab Spring". It's like a mental illness that they think of killing people who don't bother them at all. I guess because that's what they've been taught. Sandmonkey repeatedly said that the MBros would not come to power and Israel should just chill. How wrong can one person be. And with such horrible consequences for people (not himself).
No matter what Jimmy Carter thinks, the Egypt treaty and several other steps Israel has taken has allowed your country to flourish in many ways. Tiny and successful. I doubt that anything that you guys could do would please Jimmy Carter. He's a sad man.
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