Who are the peace campers?

With this background in mind, one can investigate a variety of elements in the contemporary peace camp. For those who condemn Israel, do they also condemn the Palestinians? If they do, one should check which actions they condemn on the Palestinian side. If this only concerns the shooting of rockets from Gaza, it is usually no more than a masking operation of where they stand.Read the whole thing.
Few are those who condemn the PLO’s glorification of terrorist murderers of Israeli civilians including women and children. The same is true concerning Hamas' calls to genocide – the greatest crime in the world - of the Jews in its charter.
The international Pax Christi movement is an example of peace campers who delegitimize Israel and are feeble in their condemnations of the Palestinians. This is even worse because it is a Catholic body. Catholicism has played a major role in laying the foundations of anti-Semitism in the Christian world for many centuries and in making it an integral part of European culture where it is insuppressible.
One among several examples of Protestant anti-Israeli hate monger bodies can be found among Mennonites, a pacifist denomination. As analyst Dexter van Zile wrote: “Mennonist peacemaking institutions have been at the forefront of the effort to discredit Israel to audiences in North America. These institutions portray Jewish sovereignty as the cause of conflict and suffering in the Middle East and downplay Muslim and Arab hostility toward Jews and Israel.”
They also portray Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a legitimate partner in dialogue and a victim of bad publicity. When he visited New York, the Mennonite Central Committee helped mainstream Ahmadinejad by organizing an interfaith dinner with prominent Christians.
Rarely do anti-Israeli peace campers pay a severe price for mixing with Palestinian hate-mongers.
Many peace campers claim that they have deep respect for human life. In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this is often only true on the surface. When one scratches a bit below that, one realizes that many of them look away from intended genocides and other crimes in the Muslim world. Galtung’s recent statements have helped to show part of the malice that hides behind the false humanitarian masks of many in the “peace camp.”
Labels: leftists
"...and here is the paper which bears his signature as well as mine."
"Deja Vu all over again" as Yogi Berra put it.
And the next item for investigation would be which Israeli Start Up people are giving cover to the peace campers and to the Obama posse by representing their plastic panels, coating the U.S. desert, and plug in cars as being the NEW CLEANTECH ENERGY, when it CANNOT generate enough electricity for normal American life. Maybe someday later, but not now.
And here we have the Obama posse demolishing Israel's technology competition by taking the non-solar/wind power plants off line. And, to assure that they can NEVER be put back online, the Obama posse is going to BLOW THEM UP! I really really want to hear a single engineer or entrepreneur in Israel object to their technology reputation being used as cover for this disaster, which will starve the poor and leave them in the cold and dark. I reject this maneuver (including Israel's participation in it!).
"The Mohave Generating Station in Laughlin, Nevada closed in 2005 after a series of conflicts with environmentalists and the Navajo Nation over pollution and water use. Explosives will be strategically placed around the steel-framed boiler towers so it will collapse and crumble into dust. And other coal-fired power plants in the region may soon face a similar fate. That puts hundreds of jobs for the Navajo and Hopi tribes in jeopardy."
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