Jerusalem parents warned to keep their daughters away from Arabs

In an ad made to look like an imaginary wedding invitation between Michal and her chosen groom Mohammad, distributed throughout Jerusalem's streets, the organization is seeking to demonstrate what would happen if parents fail to keep watch over their daughters.The organization behind this is Lehava, and if those y'fei ha'nefesh (translates as 'beautiful people' but that doesn't give the true, contemptuous nature of the term) who are offended by it had led the Jewish people through our 2,000 years of exile, we would have no Jewish people left, God forbid.
Secular people who passed by the "invitations" expressed their anger over what they say is the racist wording of the ad: "They are staining an entire nation and turning us into racists against our will. We are not all primitives as might be understood from the ad," said on Jerusalemite after reading the ad.
The "invitation" asks you to join Michal and Mohammad as they celebrate their marriage on a Friday night at the Shahid (martyr) events hall in Ramallah. Next to the invitation the ad reads: "If you don't want your daughter's wedding invitation to look like this then…Don't let her work with Arabs or do national service with non-Jews, don't let her work in place that employs enemies and don't bring home migrant workers…"
For those of you who think that it's a pleasure for Jewish women to be married to Arab Muslim men, please consider this story.
I know someone who hides Jewish women who are fleeing their abusive Arab Muslim husbands and their families.
For centuries, Jewish parents have torn their clothing and sat shiva when their children married non-Jews. And for good reason.
Labels: intermarriage
sat shiva when their children married non-Jews. And for good reason.
The father of British MP Edwina (Cohen) Currie, was one such. He held a funderal for her when she married a Christian and never spoke to her since.
For those of you who think that it's a pleasure to be married to Arab Muslim men, please consider this story.
For those of you who think it's a pleasure to be married to a Jewish women should consider this story :)
Edwina Currie (born Cohen) was disowned by her father, for marrying a Christian. Now divorced, she comitted adultery with Prime Minister John Major, during her then marriage. She once sued the Daily Express for calling her 'the vilest woman in Britian'.
Read Lynda Lee-Potter on Edwina & Major
John Major says that his affair with Edwina Currie is the event he's most ashamed of in his life, and he can't understand what he saw in her.
He's ashamed because he's been found out, and what he saw in Mrs Currie was the rampant sexuality of a woman prepared to make her bed, and her body, available whenever he was free.
He never took her out to dinner, gave her so much as a book or a bottle of scent, and in the end he dumped her.
Edwina Currie has an overpoweringly high opinion of her looks, sex appeal, writing and political judgment.
Her entire life has revolved around her ambition. In her diaries she's vilified her former husband, Ray, in the most evil, coarse and despicable way as a whining, unfanciable failure.
She doesn't mention that, when they met, he was her dynamic boss in advertising and she proposed to him. They married from his parents' home because her Jewish father disowned her for marrying a Gentile.
Ruthlessly, she sent their two daughters, Debbie and Susie, to boarding school when they were only eight and six. Her husband made sacrifices and did everything he could to help her early political career. She says chillingly: 'All the best things in my life I have done for me.'
Her daughters would probably agree, particularly now she's written with such offensive bile about their gentle, kindly, loving father. She's ridiculed and belittled him, having diminished him over many years.
I once interviewed him and found him to be an attractive, witty, beguiling man, completely different to the overweight, boorish dullard she describes.
He's never uttered one critical word about her monstrous selfishness but she's betrayed him.
She has also betrayed John Major, who she says she loved. She has included detailed, intimate accounts of their lovemaking, for which one can only despise her.
She is, no doubt, jubilant at the current furore, rather than humiliated by the savage condemnation.
She's arrogant, vain, cruel and always sure she's right, with no insight into her own unpleasant character.
Her pathetic belief that she could become Prime Minister is laughable as she was a figure of fun in the House of Commons.
Mrs Currie was estranged from her father, and she may now find that she is rejected by her daughters.
I'd say that was the ultimate failure for any woman.
Seeing as Edwina Currie is now divorced, I think she'd be the ideal wife for Shyguy.
What sayeth ye, ShyGuy? ;)
so much lies
but this is exactly the type of thing the Talmud teaches you
so much lies!
but then this is exactly the type od thing the talmud teaches & Zionist Jews are good at.
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