Just because you have money doesn't make you a spokesman for the Jewish people

I don't have the time to fisk the whole thing, but suffice it to say that this guy is another twerp who believes that we really are at peace with Egypt and Jordan (one can only wonder whether the Times tried to pull this piece when Egypt cut off the natural gas sales last night - or perhaps that's why the Times is trying to sell it as an 'economic dispute') and that since we really, really must have 'peace' both sides will make the necessary compromises (except that the 'Palestinian' side has refused to do so time and time again - at what point do we say 'enough is enough'?).
Labels: Middle East peace process, New York Times
Whenever I see one of these wealthy liberal self appointed spokespeople for the "Jewish people" my Jewdar goes up.
More often than not, they are not active members of any legitimate synagogue , not married to a Jewess, often have gentile kids, and are involved with pro Arab organizations, never have spent much time in Israel.
These are not always the case, but in my opinion, once you have married out, you no longer have standing as a Jewish spokesman, yes Rahm Emmanuel this applies to you.
So I checked up on on the Robert. His wife is named Pilar Crespi. Does not sound very Jewish- maybe a second shiksa showpiece? His foundation brags about supporting Arabs of Judaea and Samaria. Nothing about supporting Israel.
Stephen Robert shown for the Israeli hater and liar he is.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Stephen Robert Slinks Onto the Huffington Post
If a self-appointed Jewish leader can't even name the parsha for the week he does not represent me.
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