Al-Quds al-Arabi: Break between Abu Mazen and Fayyad

Israel Radio reports from the London-based pan-Arabic daily
al-Quds al-Arabi that there is a break between Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad over Fayyad's 'cute' move last week to avoid being Abu Mazen's errand boy. Fayyad was supposed to lead a mission that delivered Abu Mazen's letter to Netanyahu. Instead, Fayyad bugged out, leaving Saeb Erekat to deliver the letter and making the mission look like a meeting between Netanyahu and the leadership of Fatah (why Netanyahu would meet with the leadership of Fatah - he should not have - is a separate issue).
According to al-Quds al-Arabi, Abu Mazen and Fayyad are not speaking over this 'insult' and Abu Mazen is refusing to take Fayyad's calls.
Labels: Abu Mazen, Binyamin Netanyahu, Fatah, Salam Fayyad
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