Obama sanctions Iranian central bank

President Obama issued an executive order on Monday sanctioning parties who deal with the Iranian central bank.
The executive order issued by the White House Sunday and made public Monday cuts off Iran's economy from the United States entirely by expanding existing sanctions to include those who deal with Iran's Central Bank, forcing interlocutors to choose between the two economies.It will be interesting to see how these sanctions are implemented, but I can tell you this much: If it weren't an election year it is highly doubtful that we would be seeing them.
The intended effect is to isolate Iran from much of the world's developed economy.
A letter to Congress accompanying the order notes that it comports with the enhanced sanctions law passed by Congress in December, and underscores its expansive intent, targeting entities determined "to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to the order."
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Iran sanctions regime, Iranian nuclear threat
Stupid Carl,
This is a blessing in disguise, just like the Iraq war didn't turn out the way, you neocons wanted, neither will this. You are cursed by God, you just cannot see that everything the right wing touches turns to shit. You are cursed.
The US sanctioning Iran won't affect her at all, and will in fact lead to the USA becoming more and more irrelevant in the world.
I am glad these sanctions are in place as they are forcing those who would not otherwise to realise which side their bread is buttered, and who the future is, and it certainly is not the USA.
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