Abu Mazen to cancel elections?

"If the status quo remains between Fatah and Hamas regarding the reconciliation standstill, the PNA will cancel the elections," an unnamed official in Ramallah told Gulf News on Monday.Forgive my nasty comment, but it seems that Hamas wants to reconcile about as much as Fatah wants peace. Why should Fatah do anything to achieve peace when the living conditions are so much better than they were, and the World keeps pressuring Israel no matter what Abu Mazen does?
“Hamas was forced into unity talks with Fatah after the Arab Spring conditions changed regional realities. Hamas has no real intention for reconciliation,” the official added.
Fatah alleges Hamas prefers the current status quo whereby almost half of the donations received by 'Palestinian' organizations goes to Gaza without their having to fulfill their commitments under the reconciliation agreement.
"Why should Hamas do anything to achieve unity?" the source asked, adding that living conditions are far better in the Gaza than in PA enclaves in Judea and Samaria.
However, observers say Fatah's motives for cancelling elections may be fear of Hamas gains. The terror organization enjoys a strong position in the polls and could be set to win a major victory should elections be held.Which terror organization would that be? Hamas or Fatah?
But here's the best part: Someone is finally telling the truth about poor, starving Gaza.
"The government in the West Bank is paying salaries to employees in Gaza, and prices in Gaza are 70 per cent cheaper than in the West Bank," he said. "This is not fair."Yeah, they're starving in Gaza. And I've got a bridge to sell in Brooklyn.
The official’s claims run contrary to anti-Israeli assertions that Gaza is a deeply impoverished 'prison camp.' IDF officials note the Karnei crossing is never at full capacity despite all aid requests being met.
Further, residents in Gaza exported surplus aid to east Africa during Ramadan as a part of a larger charity campaign. Local merchants and farmers have long complained that their economic woes are rooted in an inability to export.
IDF officials, however, say they have made extensive efforts to accommodate exports from Gaza, which has expanded to include not only crops, but manufactured goods such as furniture.
Labels: Abu Mazen, Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Palestinian elections 2012
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