Richard Silverstein exposed

Now, due to a sloppy error on his part (thanks to an eagle-eyed Israeli who finds him as repellant as I, who caught it), Aussie Dave has exposed his real identity. And since I believe that hypocrites deserve their comeuppance and that their dark secrets deserve to see the light, I’m exposing him for what and who he is: David Loeb, 23 Rashi Street Beit-Shemesh, Israel. In his Facebook profile he notes some sort of affiliation with Virgin Megastores, which may mean he works there. If anyone knows, I’d like to find out.There's just one little problem: Dave's last name isn't Loeb and that's not his address (I happen to know the real Dave personally). Dave set a trap for Silverstein and Silverstein fell for it (and continues to believe that he has outed Dave) lock, stock and barrel.
Commenters note that Loeb has featured a picture of a U.S. basketball player for his profile photo which makes that as fake as the rest of him and his blog is. He also might’ve considered that featuring his blog’s URL in his Facebook profile would be another dead giveaway to his real identity.
Read the whole thing. And if you happen to open Silverstein's blog (or an article that quotes him in the New York Times), keep in mind what a good job of fact-checking Silverstein does before you believe a word he says.
Labels: blogosphere, Richard Silverstein
he tried to take part of a tweet I made out of context. He's pure troll. If you are looking for a debate with a Palestinian sympathizing Jew who doesn't hit below the belt like that... it's better to talk to @TheRealRoseanne (yeah the actress running for president). The guy Richard is not a learning experience. You don't come out of the debate understanding his position at all. He is there out of fear and anger. I don't have to always agree with people I tweet to, but even misguided people can sometimes be decent. Richard Silverstein is not on the level. It's obvious that he isn't intellectually all there. I really dislike saying that about people. I dislike smearing my opposition. I do know there are people who support the Arabs who are not trolls. Richard is a troll.
Silverstein: Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Ha!
I meant to post this at Israellycool too, where I was a member, but they have a new commenting system, and I can't be bothered to reregister,
It appears that this was a set up, which doesn't do any favours to the those who thought this would discredit Richard Silverstein's reporting and journalism.
Any media that one can edit themselves, like social networks, is not a good source for confirming an identity. Facebook, has it's fair share of fake profiles.
Granted that Richard should have checked and confirmed 'Loeb's' identity through more credible means than Facebook, but bearing in mind the two were in a fight any serious media will ignore this as little more than a response to juvenile baiting.
As such those who claim that richard Silverstein's credibility is damaged are indulging in wishful thinking, because this episode can be put down to an emotional response between two bloggers at loggerheads. In such circumstances, it's entirely plausible that feelings take precedence over critical analysing as happened here.
It doesn't detract from Richard's fine work and I don't for a minute believe his credibility will suffer or that the MSM will take him any the less seriously. All the MSM giants, and top journalists have been involved in serious bloopers from time to time.
To err is human.
Keep up the good work Richard. Wiki Leaks of Israel indeed!
Oh and as for this, Carl,
And if you happen to open Silverstein's blog (or an article that quotes him in the New York Times), keep in mind what a good job of fact-checking Silverstein does before you believe a word he says.
are you serious? this coming from someone who regards Spencer, and every lying Islamophobe, and nazi website like Gates of Vienna who openly say their agenda is to lie, as reliable sources?
You just discredited yourself. That is if you weren't already by those too dumb to search for facts.
There isn't a blogger here, whom I could not track down if i wanted to.
Shy Guy are you listening? :)
Muslima biatch Chayma, why should we be the least bit interested in listening to another session of your incessant whining over and over again ad nauseum?!
And of course dicky continues to insist his source is legit (he's actually an eagle eyed Israeli who finds his views just as repellant as he does.)
I guess that means AD can keep using him in his psy ops.
Muslima biatch Chayma, why should we be the least bit interested in listening to another session of your incessant whining over and over again ad nauseum?!
Because sweetheart, I want to wrap my tentacles around you :)
I can have your name and address on my desk within 48 hours if I so choose..even anonymous bloggers are not safe from me ;)
His insistence that the rest of the Facebook page is legit presents another fun twist. Reshit is located at 21 Rashi. I don't believe there is a 23 Rashi. If there is you don't fit the profile for that neighbourhood.
"Journalists" don't take delight in exposing the home addresses of those they disagree with. Dickie is not a journalist; he is a highly opinionated troll who can't even do basic research about topics on which he opines.
His modus operandi is the ad hominem attack.
Dave just let him show how vicious he is.
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