Pot calls kettle black

Lebanon filed a formal complaint with the United Nations over the discovery of Israeli spy devices in two different locations, a security source told The Daily Star Saturday.Funny, but I don't recall 1701 talking about spy devices.... It required Israeli troops not to be beyond the 'blue line.' Have they found any troops there?
The devices were discovered near the towns of Deir Kifa and Srifa. Earlier this month, Hezbollah announced it had found Israeli spying devices designed to infiltrate Lebanon’s telecommunications network, the discovery of which it broadcast on Al-Manar TV.
Lebanon has called the discovery of the devices “a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty, international law, resolution 1701 and the charter of the United Nations as well as a threat to international peace and security," according to local media.
Oh, and by the way, what has Lebanon done about those Katyusha rockets that came in earlier this month.... Absolutely nothing....
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