Our friend in Albania

The highlight was at the United Nations General Assembly, after the famous clash between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over the Palestinian statehood bid.Read the whole thing. And if you're Israeli, book a ticket to Tirana for vacation.
When it was Berisha's turn to talk, he openly criticized the Palestinian move. His General Assembly address did not exactly benefit Albania's relations with Muslim countries, especially Iran, but he refused to take it back.
"Iran and its leader, (President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad, are the new Nazis, and the world must learn from the Holocaust and stop them before it's too late," Berisha says in an interview to Yedioth Ahronoth. "The Holocaust taught the free world's conscience not to let such a scenario repeat itself."
When asked if Albania, as a NATO member, will join a military strike against Iran if and when such a decision is made, he immediately replies: "We'll support such a move and join it, just like we supported the operation in Libya. It won't be against the Iranian people, but against the nuclear facilities."
Labels: Albania
the "despite his being Muslim" is highlighting what? the bigotry or ignorance, or both, not just of this blog, but of the Ynet writer, Itamar Eichner.
Albania was the only European country whose Jewish population grew after the war, it saved not only it's own but neigboring Jews too. It was also Europes only Muslim country at that time. Something right wing ignorant Jews seem to be unaware of, when they do not recognise Kosova as an independent state,
Oh and don't misread or misunderstand what Berisha said. You don't want to keep making the same mistake you did with Ahmed chalabi, who bankrupted America and led them into a losing war (God bless him)
Albania is a member of the OIC, and member states have an agreement not to attack another OIC state. Berisha will never support an attack against Iran.
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