Freedom of speech, Bir Zeit on the Hudson style

Is the Internet Too Free?In case you are wondering, Nicolas Lemann is the dean of the Graduate school of Journalism. One would at least hope that his answer to the discussion question will be "no."
Moderated by Dean Nicholas Lemann and Sheila Coronel
A panel discussion on the perils of—and prospects for—journalism online. Is the Internet a safe place for original and independent reporting? Or is it a threatened space? Are the freedoms that citizens and journalists enjoy online more myth than reality?
If any of you are interested in watching, go here.
Labels: Bir Zeit on the Hudson, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, internet regulation
I grew up in the neighborhood and using the Columbia gym to play basketball in. I suppose even though I didn't graduate there I felt like it was my school. We all know where they are going with this journalist lecture. They feel threatened because they can not control the content. I suppose you should to because I repost your stuff for my blog on mine, but at least I try to give credit... (though I admit I've made mistakes before, but I also know people use my site and don't give credit). I noticed this well known site who didn't give me a hat tip what other day and I said to myself.... what can I do. I don't want to scold the guy because I want to steal back from him. His theft is rather good. There has got to be some happy and fair moderation. Sometimes I subvert what you say by the repost because I don't always agree. That is threatening to the news standards, but it works both ways. Sometimes the news does do good things... and they are being punished.
I have spent years reading and studying history: at no other time in history, apparently, have huge numbers of people committed cultural(and physical) suicide by submitting to an alien, murderous and inferior culture. I have just read Caesar's conquest of Gaul: he never completely subdued them as they refused to be dominated. Also the Germans. Even though they had to burn their own towns and crops to starve out the Romans, they never gave up. And they were supposed to be barbarians!
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