Actions have consequences

Our Prime Minister is getting his act in order. In response to the vote to admit the imaginary state of 'Palestine' to UNESCO on Monday, Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to tell the world where to get off. He has ordered the prompt construction of 2,000 housing units in 'east' Jerusalem, Maaleh Adumim and Gush Etzion, areas which he says will remain under Israeli control notwithstanding any future settlement with the 'Palestinians.' And there's more. Much more.
In addition, it was decided to delay the transfer of Palestinian funds to the PA. Jerusalem is also considering revoking the VIP cards of several Palestinian officials and might consider steps against UNESCO's operations in Israel. The forum members are expected to meet again soon to discuss further steps.Kadima has slammed the government, as usual, and the 'Palestinians' are accusing Israel of killing the 'peace process.'
A senior government official told Ynet on Monday that "Israel might respond to the Palestinians' unilateral move with specific steps, which may not seem problematic to Israel, but might prompt international objections."
The source hinted that Israel is also considering the possibility of green-lighting construction in areas that the international community considers part of the Palestinians' territory.
JPost adds:
Settlement construction has been a red button issue for the Palestinians who have insisted that such building is a stumbling block to peace and that they will not talk with Israel unless it freezes such activity.Ironically, what Netanyahu is doing may be the only thing that can save the 'peace process.' The 'peace process' has been stopped in its tracks for the last two and a half years because the 'Palestinians' feel they have nothing to lost by holding out for conditions that Israel cannot and will not ever give them. If the 'Palestinians' start to lose out through Israeli unilateral actions, there is some small chance that they will come to the table.
Although Netanyahu has refused to heed that demand, he has had a poor record of authorizing settler construction and east Jerusalem Jewish building. It is unusual for his office, which placed a 10-month moratorium on new settlement building that ended in September 2010 and which has often been accused of imposing a "silent freeze" on Jewish building over the pre-1967 line, to state upfront that it was "accelerating" such construction.
"You can not demand from the Israeli public continued restraint when the Palestinian leadership continues to slam doors in their face," said an Israeli official. "They refuse to condemn the rocket attacks that killed an Israeli citizen. They praised the kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Schalit and have refused to conduct peace negotiations while going for unilateral moves at the United Nations," the official added.
The approvals include 1,650 units in east Jerusalem Jewish neighborhoods and 320 in two West Bank settlements, 270 in Efrat and 50 in Ma'ale Adumim. All units were already in the planing stages but needed final approvals.
The official noted that all the building would occur in areas that would remain part of Israel in any final status agreement with the Palestinians.
Separate from the issue of construction, the inner cabinet agreed to put a "temporary hold" on the transfer of tax funds to the Palestinian Authority. No decision was reached with respect to Israel's annual payment of $2 million to UNESCO.
What could go wrong?
Labels: Jerusalem construction, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Judea and Samaria construction, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, Unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)
I was a teaching assistant in a course again tonight and because I was tied up with work most of the day,
No wonder the standard of Israeli education is poor
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