Your tax dollars at work: Abu Mazen pays grants to released terrorists

[PA Minister for Prisoners Affairs Issa] Qaraqi said that all prisoners would benefit from the grants, including those who were deported to the Gaza Strip and a number of Arab countries and Turkey.In other news, Hamas has announced that it will kidnap more IDF soldiers and officers, because this kidnapping has proven so successful. Meanwhile, David Meidan, who was Prime Minister Netanyahu's last negotiator for Gilad Shalit's freedom, will meet with the Shamgar Commission, which after three years may finally issue recommendations about how many terrorists we will release in exchange for soldiers kidnapped in the future. As if anyone expects those guidelines to be followed.
He said that the PA governors and some "national institutions" have begun distributing the money to the released prisoners In accordance with PA regulations and laws.
Qaraqi did not say how much each prisoner would get from the PA government.
Abbas's decision follows a similar move by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, who granted each prisoner a sum of $2,000.
The prisoners who were deported to the Gaza Strip are now staying at a five-star hotel at the expense of the Hamas government.
Read the whole thing.
Labels: Palestinian terrorism, terrorists for Gilad trade, your taxes at work
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