'Palestinians' offended over AP fact check

However, the Associated Press has decided not only to provide news but also its own opinions and terminology, thus misrepresenting its own reported news and adopting the discourse of one of the parties to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; that of the occupier. We the Palestinians have been greatly disappointed about AP regarding several news reports, including their last “fact check” or opinion piece on the historic speech delivered by president Mahmoud Abbas at the United Nations.And what did the AP find and say that so offended the 'Palestinians'?
It is greatly unfair and undemocratic for AP in its capacity as a news agency to distribute its commentaries, ideas, and erroneous fact checks, while it refuses to allow rebuttal through the same channel. Respectable news agencies in a democratic and transparent mode of behavior are accountable to the public. They cannot be beyond accountability. If they misquote, disseminate erroneous news, or editorialize, they must allow correction, apologies, and provision of equal space for rebuttal.
The Associated Press opinion piece questioned the historic speech of President Abbas. We believe that the so-called fact checks raised by AP are mostly ideological and not factual. AP adopts the Israeli language, and misinterpretation of facts. Some of the responses to President Abbas' speech were:Sorry not many links in this one. If you put in the comments that you want to see them, I will try to find them, but all of these things have been discussed here before. Click the labels.
-- In response to “we are the last people living under occupation”, AP says “The world is full of ethnic minorities that might claim to be ruled by occupiers, ranging from Tibetans living under Chinese rule, to Kurds in Turkey, Basques in Spain, Chechens in Russia and Muslim separatists in Indian-ruled Kashmir.”
Our case cannot be compared to any of those (honoring the legitimacy that every people have). We are not an “ethnic minority” aiming to separate from a bigger country that we have been part of for centuries. We are the indigenous population of this land that has been colonized by illegal foreign occupiers. In 1917, we were colonized by Britain, which helped deliver 78 percent of our land to the Israelis in 1948, who in 1967 occupied the rest of our country i.e. the West Bank and Gaza. It is not up to a news agency to decide who we are; the world has already accepted the fact that we have been living under colonial rule for the past decades.[No they're not an ethnic minority, but they're not indigenous either. CiJ].
-- In response to a reference of Palestinian prisoners being prisoners of conscience and struggle for freedom, AP says “Abbas did not mention that most Palestinian prisoners are being held because of alleged involvement in violence against Israelis. Israel's prison service says it's holding some 6,000 "security" prisoners, many of them involved in planning or carrying out deadly attacks on civilians.”
With this response, AP has officially recognized the legitimacy of Israeli military tribunals over Palestinian civilians. International law is clear, civilian prisoners deserve a fair trial that cannot be guaranteed by the State of Israel, the occupying power. Military prisoners should be treated as prisoners of war, under the Geneva conventions. AP omits that since the Israeli occupation began in 1967, almost 900,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces. One wonders if you think that the majority has been involved in what Israel calls "security" offenses. Under Israeli military laws, the Israeli army can detain any Palestinian without any justification. Thousands were imprisoned under "administrative detention" regulations requiring no declared pretext, or legal reasons. AP accepted unquestionably the Israeli claim. [So is a 'Palestinian' suicide bomber in civilians clothes military or civilian? And who is responsible for blurring the distinction? CiJ]
-- AP criticized President Abbas for not stating the ties of the Jewish religion with the Holy Land.
This statement is purely ideological. President Abbas was representing the rights of his people. Palestine shows great respect for all peoples and religions that have passed though Palestine, including Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. [But not Jews who have had a continuous presence in what he calls 'Palestine' for 3,000 years. CiJ].
To blame President Abbas for not explicitly stating the Jewish connection with the Holy Land is for AP to officially adopt the Israeli position and to impose it on its readers. [No news agency can impose anything on its readers. You are always free to question, although in the 'Palestinian Authority' and in most other Arab and Muslim countries, you may not, or you may be restricted in doing so openly. CiJ] President Abbas did not say that Palestine is exclusively for the followers of Christianity or Islam, whereas Mr Netanyahu wants Israel to be exclusively for the Jews, thus jeopardizing the rights and future of 1.5 million citizens, comprising 22 percent of the population of Israel, all of whom are indigenous native Christian and Muslim citizens and not settlers imposed by the force of military occupation on their land. [No, they are not indigenous. If anything, the Jewish claim to the land goes back far before any Christian or Muslim claim - or even existence. And by the way, why does Israel have to accept Arab citizens - which it said it would do - if the 'Palestinians' insist that 'Palestine' be Judenrein. CiJ]
-- In response to the reference made regarding the Gaza Strip and President Abbas' condemnation of Israel for committing war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza, AP considers that Hamas' actions ends Gaza's relationship with Palestine, giving Israel the right to kill 1,400 of its civilians, injuring 50,000, many with phosphorus bombs, and destroying 20 percent of its homes. [Huh? And by the way, about 1,100 of those killed were proven to be Hamas militia. If you think that 300 civilian casualties (at most) out of 1,400 is a high percentage, check those statistics against US-caused civilians deaths in Iraq or NATO-caused civilian deaths in Bosnia, among others. CiJ] AP disqualifies President Abbas from condemning the Israeli actions deemed as war crimes by the UN, and its investigating committee led by Richard Goldstone. [Except that Goldstone recanted.... CiJ]
-- AP says that “The Palestinians did not accept two Israeli peace offers, in 2000 and 2008, that offered them a state in the vast majority of the territories they claim. Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has repeatedly offered to launch negotiations -- but refused to accept minimum outlines of a peace deal endorsed by the Palestinians and the international community. He has also not met the Palestinian condition of a settlement freeze for the duration of the talks.”
AP once again has adopted the official Israeli line of blaming the Palestinian side for not accepting to sign these Israeli "peace offers" requiring the Palestinians to accept a state without international borders, no control over air space, electromagnetic sphere, natural resources nor access to our capital Jerusalem as well as no solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. AP fails to mention the countless Palestinian attempts to have meaningful negotiations, the Palestinian Peace Proposal of 1988, the Arab Peace Plan of 2002, and all the other proposals made by the Palestinian side. Regarding the 2008 offer, we point out that AP failed to mention that Mr Olmert, the former Israeli prime minister, refused to continue the negotiations because of his war on Gaza and later on for his Israeli legal problems. When Mr Netanyahu spent 19 hours negotiating with President Abbas during the month of September, 2010 shuttling between Washington, Sharm el-Sheikh and Jerusalem, he refused to negotiate any of the major six core points, which outline all our joint negotiating effort, insisting that he had no mandate to do so until President Abbas accepts his two preconditions:
1. Accepting the exclusive Jewish character of Israel and
2. Accepting Netanyahu's defense doctrine of maintaining indefinitely the Israeli occupation of the Jordan Valley, and territories 10 kilometers deep into the western borders of the West Bank.[Please.... When I searched 'Palestinian peace proposal of 1988, the first result I found was this. And as to the Saudi plan, it basically says, "give us all the land, let us flood what's left with 'refugees' and then we'll talk." Some peace plan. There's never been a real 'Palestinian' peace plan and there's never been a 'Palestinian' response to an Israeli one. CiJ].
-- AP also claims that the settlement freeze is a Palestinian precondition to negotiate, while in reality it is an Israeli obligation according to the Road Map, the same way that East Jerusalem is not “disputed” but internationally recognized as occupied (another regular misrepresentation made by AP reporting). [AFTER the 'Palestinians' shut down all the terror organizations. We're still waiting on that one. CiJ]
AP’s so-called fact check continues this line of argument by stating: “Israel might argue — as Netanyahu did in his rebuttal Friday — that Arab enmity to Israel long preceded the settlement of lands occupied in 1967".
AP thus completely misrepresents the history of Palestine. The two-state solution, adopted officially by the PLO in 1988, has been the greatest step to peace. However, allowing Israel to continue its colonial settlement project in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal, unfair, and makes the two-state solution impossible to implement. President Mahmoud Abbas was also clear that the injustice against the Palestinian people began with our exile in 1948 rather than only with the 1967 occupation. The catastrophe of the 1948 Nakba and forced transfer of our refugees has been unveiled by Israel's own prominent historians such as Benny Morris, and recognized by the Israeli negotiating paper on refugees in Taba, 2001. We would like to ask the so called "fact-checkers" how this Netanyahu false interpretation of history makes settlements legal, and its continuation acceptable, despite international rulings, and the Road Map. [He's changing the subject. Hebron 1929. The 1936-38 riots. The Peel Commission. Let's just revise history. CiJ]
Last but not least, AP omits to say that Israel is the only country in the United Nations whose acceptance as a member was conditional to the respect of two UN resolutions: 181 (two states) and 194 (right to return). Israel has not implemented any of these requirements. [Three no's of Khartoum anyone? In any event, they weren't requirements and Israel was accepted to the UN by the General Assembly (Resolution 273 (III)) and the Security Council (Resolution 69) and not by 181 or 194. CiJ].
Labels: 1929 Hebron massacre, 1947 partition plan, fourteen reservations, Peel Commission, Three no's of Khartoum, UN General Assembly Resolution 273(III), UN Security Council Resolution 69
Hi Carl,
"It is greatly unfair and undemocratic for AP in its capacity as a news agency to distribute its commentaries, ideas, and erroneous fact checks, while it refuses to allow rebuttal through the same channel."
Au contraire, PA: AP exercised its democratic right to inform, enlighten and disagree. But I understand: Palestinians know little about democracy (despite the good Israeli example).
This whole UN Bid seems to be welcomed by the international community and PA is all happy; but it will backlash because the international community's plan is to keep Palestinians closer so that they can finally hold them accountable for their lack of will to negotiate with Israel. Their true colours will be shown.
"AP says “The world is full of ethnic minorities that might claim to be ruled by occupiers, ranging from Tibetans living under Chinese rule, to Kurds in Turkey, Basques in Spain, Chechens in Russia and Muslim separatists in Indian-ruled Kashmir.”"
AP knows it! And the Palestinian UN initiative opened a strong precendent for all these People.
"[So is a 'Palestinian' suicide bomber in civilians clothes military or civilian? And who is responsible for blurring the distinction? CiJ]"
Military intelligence agents often dress in civilian clothes: are they military or civilian?
Palestinian militants think they are soldiers, therefore they are soldiers. The question is: what kind of wars to they wage, just or unjust?
"President Abbas did not say that Palestine is exclusively for the followers of Christianity or Islam,"
Yes, he did by the action of having only mentioned Muslims and Christians in the future Palestinian State.
About the Settlements (which I do not view them as such): Palestinians insist upon its freeze to return to talks. The world has only one question to ask Palestine: when Israel froze settlement activity for 10 months, what did you do to advance peace?
Then, they'll offer a silly non-answer (as they always do); and the world just needs to point one fact: didn't you refuse to sit with Israel and negotiate? With what purpose exactly?
One final thing: in the Oslo Accords, Palestine agreed to bear 6 main responsibilities - they hardly complied with one.
Vital article, Carl!
"We are the indigenous population of this land that has been colonized by illegal foreign occupiers. In 1917, we were colonized by Britain, which helped deliver 78 percent of our land to the Israelis in 1948, who in 1967 occupied the rest of our country i.e. the West Bank and Gaza...."
"President Mahmoud Abbas was also clear that the injustice against the Palestinian people began with our exile in 1948 rather than only with the 1967 occupation..."
Sure, Britain really was a Zionist tool. They even sent Glubb Pasha to lead the Haganah.
Oh wait, that was the Arab Legion.
But given the investment in gross historical magical thinking, doesn't seem like a two-state solution could ever ever bridge the gap between Palestinian resentful hatred and reality.
But reports continue that Bibi seeks to appease Obama's appeasement of the PA and offer them more security control in more areas to get them back into the "peace process"--as with "processed cheese"--all process, no cheese, no peace, just endless bile and maneuvers:
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