It starts: 17-year old Jewish boy stabbed by Arab in Ramot

Israel Radio reports that there's a gag order on details of the incident, but a lot of the details can be found here if you read Hebrew. Two brothers had gone for a walk in Ramot. Around 3:20 pm, they were approached by an Arab who stabbed one of them multiple times in the abdomen. The victim is in critical condition at Hadassah Ein Karem hospital. The Arab escaped to the nearby Arab village of Beit Ikhsa.
For those who know the area, the attack occurred in Ramot Bet.
You are asked to pray for Yehuda ben Ronit.
JPost adds:
The deputy Knesset speaker [Danny Danon] said that Israel "must find this terrorist and destroy his home. Only aggressive action will succeed in stopping incidents of this kind from occurring in the future."YNet adds:
Danon stated that "after the generosity of the Schalit deal, the time has come to be firm in eradicating terror. I have requested from the prime minister that we destroy the homes of terrorists."
The police believe that the attack, which left the victim, 17-year-old Yehuda Ne'emad, with serious injures, was nationalistically motivated.But Gilad is home.
IDF troops were stationed at the entrance to Kfar Iksa, a nearby Palestinian village, and a police helicopter hovered above the region for hours in an attempt to locate the attacker. Large police forces from the Jerusalem District scoured the area as well in coordination with the IDF.
The forces arrived at Kfar Iksa, which is located west of Jerusalem, and searched the homes in the village, where the suspect is believed to be hiding. A joint army and police operations center was set up on the outskirts of the village to coordinate the manhunt.
Defense establishment officials estimate that the terrorist exploited the fact that the separation fence, which divides Israeli and Palestinian territories, does not extend to Kfar Iksa, which is located less than half a kilometer from Ramot. The attacker could have slipped in and out of the neighborhood unimpeded.
Magen David Adom emergency services said that the teen was stabbed twice, in the abdomen and in the back. He was rushed to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem in serious condition. The patient underwent a surgery and hospital officials said later that his condition had improved. His state was defined as moderate, and he appears to be out of immediate danger.
Waiting outside the operating room, the Ne'emad's father told Ynet that he was informed of the attack by his younger son. "It is a great scare, and we are trying to deal with it," he said. "We are mostly busy with praying for him right now."
A local resident said that many Palestinians from Beit Iksa frequent the Ramot neighborhood. He added that while the area hasn't seen hostile incidents lately, the Palestinians "often taunt us and the young women who pass by."
Labels: Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Palestinian terrorism, Ramot
Because there were no stabbings, rock throwing or attacks on Jews in Jerusalem until Gilad came home. Put the blame for the attack where it is due, on the Palestinians and their culture of Jew-hatred. Leave Gilad alone.
Independent Patriot,
The point is that by making this foolish trade, Israel has encouraged terrorists to believe that even if they are caught, they will be released no matter how heinous their crimes (until now we had maintained some semblance of not releasing terrorists 'with blood on their hands'). Even if today's attack was not carried out by or under the guidance of a terrorist who was released this week, the fact that Israel has now shown that it has no red lines when it comes to releasing terrorists will inevitably lead to an increase in terror. For that, we can thank the terrorists for Gilad trade.
But Carl this was not the first such trade. The trade before this one was when Samir Kuntar was released for two dead bodies. I stand by what I wrote... If you want to blame someone other than the Palestinians (considering they seem to want to blow themselves up in some sick delusion of martyrdom, and under those circumstances there isn't too much to release if you are in hundreds of pieces) blame a defunct IDF or intelligence service that couldn't find Gilad in the first place. Blame Olmert and Livni for their inadequate leadership. Blame Netanyahu for allowing himself to be placed in this situation and not trying to find a real alternative. This is not Gilad's fault and stop trying to lay the blame on his doorstep.That's all. Leave him be.
Independent Patriot,
I'm not blaming Shalit. It's not his fault that he was kidnapped and it's not his fault that he was ransomed. I'm not blaming his family either. Anyone in their position would have done the same thing.
I am blaming precisely the people whom you said should be blamed, plus those in Israel (the IDF leadership and the media) who put us in the position where this exchange almost became inevitable. "Gilad is home" refers to this being a consequence of the exchange.
Say what you will about Kuntar (a trade I also disagreed with because I strongly suspected that Goldwasser and Regev were did - check the archives), he was ONE terrorist. If they had traded one - ANY one - terrorist for Gilad Shalit, I would not have objected. It's the lopsided nature of this exchange and the serious crimes for which these terrorists were convicted that makes this trade a continuing menace to Israel's future.
It started before Shabbat
Arabs have been stabbing random Jews for being Jews in the Holy Land since the 1800s (and going back farther than that).
They don't care if they die (in fact, they prefer it) so they're not all going to be totally changed by thinking they'll get out of prison soon if they don't die (which they prefer anyway).
If Israel's right wing blames Gilad Shalit's freedom for every single terror attack that ever happens from now on (as if there's never been Arab terror until now) - Israel's voters will shift leftward, G-d forbid.
The justice lost in the deal is terrible and dangerous, but endless bitterness against the wrong people (i.e., Israeli people who aren't doing the attacks) every time the Arabs show their barbaric natures would be counter-productive, IMO.
Every time the Likud Party loses power (going back at least 20 years), it's the right wing who puts them out of power. Israel inherits the left (e.g., Oslo Accords, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni as FM, etc).
It's time to break this dangerous tendency. We can't make this mistake again, especially not now.
When the Likud is implementing the policies of the Left, there is not really much difference in how the patient dies.
The choice of execution doesn't really matter.
Israel has never really had a right wing party.
What the Shalit trade revealed is the entire establishment is corrupt and cares nothing for Jewish life.
Even if they capture this terrorist, nothing is going to happen to him. Terrorists never pay the price in Israel, Jews do!
Blindly backing the Likud is as foolish as backing Israel's suicidal Left.
Blinding bringing down the Likud Party every time something happens that we don't like only puts the left in charge instead.
It's how we got the Oslo Accords, Ehud Barak at Camp David, Olmert making an even worse offer in 2008, and Tzipi Livni thinking she's somebody.
It might feel good to bring down the Likud Party when we're mad, but it makes us responsible for the Oslo Accords and the other things that have happened when the right wing has brought the Likud Party down.
It would be nice if we could learn from our horrendous mistakes and stop making the same ones over and over again.
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