Failed suicide bomber encourages children to follow in her path
Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.I don't know whether the name Wafa al-Biss (sometimes referred to as Wafa al-Bas) means anything to you, but I'll bet if I show you this video from 2005, you will immediately recognize her.
Let's to go the videotape.
As you can probably guess, Wafa was one of the 27 female terrorists freed by Israel as part of the terrorists for Gilad exchange. And now that she's no longer facing the prospect of a life sentence, she's not crying like you saw in that video. Instead, she's encouraging others to follow in her footsteps. And she prefers that they be more successful at murdering Jews than she was.
"I hope you will walk the same path we took and God willing, we will see some of you as martyrs," Wafa al-Biss told dozens of children who came to her home in the northern Gaza Strip.And no, she's not telling this to a group of 17 and 18-year olds (although even that would be criminal). The 'Palestinians' brainwash their young at a very early age.
After she spoke, the children cheered and waved Palestinian flags and chanted: "We will give souls and blood to redeem the prisoners. We will give souls and blood for you, Palestine."
Biss said she had planned to blow herself up at the checkpoint but her detonator malfunctioned.
"Unfortunately, the button did not work at the last minute before I was to be martyred," Biss told Reuters.

Labels: Gaza, Palestinian suicide bombers, Palestinian terrorists, terrorists for Gilad trade, Wafa al-Biss
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