Only on a one-way ticket

“The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act, which has now received Royal Assent, includes an important amendment to ensure that the UK’s justice system can no longer be abused for political reasons," [British Ambassador to Israel Matthew] Gould said, adding that "the change will ensure that people cannot be detained when there is no realistic chance of prosecution, while ensuring that we continue to honour our international obligations.And guess who Gould invited to London....
The British ambassador emphasized that “the UK remains committed to ensuring that those guilty of war crimes are brought to justice. This amendment requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to consent to the issuing of an arrest warrant for crimes of universal jurisdiction and will put an end to requests for warrants where there is no realistic chance of prosecution.”
Gould called Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni, who had an arrest warrant issued against her on December 2009, and announced the news. "Mrs. Livni, London is waiting," he reportedly told her.I'm happy to have her go... so long as it's a one-way ticket.
Labels: Matthew Gould, Tzipi Livni, universal jurisdiction
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