Good grief: Israel's defense establishment wants to keep giving money to the PA

The defense establishment is opposed to Israeli punitive action against the Palestinian Authority following its planned unilateral declaration of statehood at the United Nations next week – and particularly with a possible halt to the government transferring customs and tax money it collects on behalf of the PA to Ramallah.Actions have consequences. So why do we keep attempting to protect the 'Palestinians' from those consequences? What could go wrong?
Stopping money and tax transfers to the PA has been used as a threat in recent weeks by government officials as one of Israel’s potential responses following the PA declaration. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz are said to support the move.
Top defense officials told The Jerusalem Post that stopping money transfers to Ramallah could potentially lead to the PA’s collapse, anarchy in the territories, and ultimately an increase in violence by Palestinians dependant on the PA for their livelihood, such as members of the Palestinian security services.
“It is important that we retain financial stability, even after their unilateral moves,” said one senior official from the Defense Ministry. “Stopping money transfers could lead to a financial crisis which could lead to a violent escalation.”
The IDF is working closely with PA security services amid fears that large-scale demonstrations will breakout over the coming weeks, following the PA’s declaration at the UN.
In recent weeks, OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrachi and OC Judea and Samaria Division Brig.-Gen. Nitzan Alon, met with their Palestinian counterparts to coordinate the way the IDF will respond to demonstrations.
The defense officials also warned of growing settler violence in the West Bank and how attacks against Palestinians could lead the PA to stop working to contain demonstrations as it has said it would.
Labels: Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, Unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)
Musical analogy commentary
Shy Guy, Stupid Jews!
Its like kapos giving money to Nazis to continue to persecute them.
Israel is a country missing in elementary common sense!
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