Blue Chair 194: 'Palestinian' video ridicules 'statehood' bid

Will this state give us our rights to return to Palestine? Will it feel like a free country?? Will be allowed to have freedom of speech freedom of movement.. freedom to visit the beach or Jerusalem.. even the right to even visit a mosque or a church or whatever???Let's go to the videotape. More below the fold.
The blue chair
This is the story of a magical blue chair... A blue chair that will travel, soar and fly!
It comes in dark blue...and in white, Palestine, is drawn (2X)
This not just any chair (2X)
This chair is an extraordinary and magical kind!
This blue chair...can rise high
This blue chair...can achieve
It can a bring us a state?
This chair is one magical blue chair!
This is the story of a magical blue chair...a blue chair that will travel, soar and fly
It comes in dark blue...and in white, Palestine, is drawn
This not just any Chair (2X)
This chair is an extraordinary and magical kind!
This blue chair... a chair for our refugees
This blue chair...will give us our "Right of Return"?
This chair...will give us back Jerusalem and Palestine!
This is the story of a magical blue chair...a blue chair that will travel, soar and fly
It comes in dark blue...and in white, Palestine, is drawn
This not just any Chair (2X)
This of an extraordinary kind!
We've got our blue chair...with its own number too
An enemy to the settlements it serves!
We are the Palestinians...with our magically dangerous blue chair
We are people...not like any other people
We are people... who have fallen in love with chairs!!!
Haaretz adds:
The ‘Blue Chair’ video was uploaded to YouTube anonymously to a new account opened only Saturday. The YouTube channel page lists the author as 63 years old - also the age of the State of Israel - and residing in the United States, but these attributes cannot be confirmed, as YouTube does not verify this information.Hmmm.
Labels: Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, Unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)
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