Satire removed from 'Palestinian' television

[Attorney General Ahmad] Al-Mughni told Ma'an that the decision had been made to stop broadcasts of Watan Ala Watar [Homeland on a Thread] after Tuesday's episode because "it is full of mistakes, is meaningless and is a waste of time for people to watch."But don't worry. Once all those suckers in the West vote for a 'Palestinian state,' they'll become a democracy with free expression just like us. And they'll even have educational television too.
The serial, aired during the holy month of Ramadan when broadcasters compete for captive audiences with soap operas and special series, had been praised the year earlier as an emblem of PA's ability to tolerate self-criticism.
Al-Mughni said Tuesday that the series is "harmful to Palestinian society."
"It mocks leaders terribly, and has a poor scenario," he said, adding that episodes had crossed "red lines."
"There are people and personalities that can't be imitated in any way," the Attorney General said.
What could go wrong?
Labels: Palestinian Authority Television, satire, Watan Ala Watar
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