Obama and Clinton trash US interests

“It’s not going to be any news if the United States says Assad needs to go,” Mrs. Clinton said at the National Defense University. “O.K., fine, what’s next? If Turkey says it, if King Abdullah says it, if other people say it, there is no way the Assad regime can ignore it.”Barry Rubin analyzes this Clinton quote, and shows how it encapsulates the fall of a great power: The United States of America.
First, of course it would be news—-big news—-if the United States government calls for the overthrow of Syrian dictator-president Bashar al-Assad. People have been waiting for months to hear these words uttered and implemented. One reason it would be big news is that for the last 2.5 years the Obama Administration—as bizarre as that might seem—has become the virtual sponsor of that anti-American dictatorship, a tyranny fawned over by the likes of Senator John Kerry and then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.Read the whole thing. Five and a half more years of Obama? God help us all.
Then there’s the implicit assumption that what the United States does isn’t important. Oh no, explains the secretary of state, Turkey and Jordan are what’s important.
One of the most remarkable conclusions to be drawn is that the Obama Administration is incapable of learning to understand international relations and will not do so even if in power another 5.5 years. That’s in large part because this president won’t abandon:
The obsession for popularity that has overridden the pursuit of U.S. national interests. And it doesn’t even bring popularity!
The obsession to prove that America is no longer an “imperialist bully” that has made the Obama Administration act as if the United States is and should be a pitiful helpless giant. And that includes its behavior toward such false friends as the Turkish regime and Pakistan.
The obsession to show that he feels those who hate America have a real justification for doing so that has led to a U.S government to coddle its enemies.
The obsession with “soft power” that cannot avoid hard realities. You can’t prove to people who want to destroy you that you are on their side.
The obsession in believing that there must be something wrong with any non-European country that wants to ally with America which has led to indifference toward real allies’ needs.
Labels: American exceptionalism, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Pakistan, Syrian uprising, Turkey
Obama is a guy who prizes "historic speeches" and historic gestures if he can be the center of attention (and no Islamic enemy of the Great and Little Satans is dissed). Hope Bibi has a backup Plan B if Obama doubles down on hope-and-changey-smart-mister-softie power and goes for the gold with a UNSC recognition of "Palestine"...
oh btw, Syria now holding arrested Sunni internees in sports stadium in Latakia while UN flees--never a good place to find yourself in a dictatorship, but hey, Obama's waiting on the Jordanians and the Saudiis, so el problemo.
If the EU, the UN, and Obama's Washington ever put together a "separation force" between Israel and Jordan at least they could save money--they'd only need reverse gears.
From the article; "The obsession to show that he feels those who hate America..." -- He and his wife and most liberals do hate America. Obama and most of all his wife have told us so. They feel exactly as Rubin describes, that America [and Israel] is what is wrong with the world.
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