Israel agrees to negotiate over '1967 lines'?

In a speech about the Middle East in May, Obama proposed negotiations based on the pre-1967 line with agreed swaps of territory between Israel and a Palestinian state. Netanyahu reacted angrily, insisting that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank, though that was not what Obama proposed.Israel Radio's Midnight newscast had a much different take on this. They reported that Netanyahu told a closed meeting that Israel is negotiating a joint position paper with the United States that will have some elements of Obama's second speech in May (the AIPAC speech where he walked back some of what he said in the first speech), but that would specifically state that Israel will not return to the '1967 borders.'
Now Netanyahu is basically accepting that framework, according to Channel 2 TV, offering to trade Israeli territory on its side of the line for West Bank land where its main settlements are located.
The official, who has been briefed on the talks, spoke on condition of anonymity because the contacts are still in progress. He said he would not deny the TV report, while refusing to confirm the specifics. He emphasized that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank.
"We are willing in a framework of restarting the peace talks to accept a proposal that would contain elements that would be difficult for Israel and we would find very difficult to endorse," he said, answering a question about the Obama proposal.
Part of the reason, he said, was that Israel is seeking to persuade the Palestinians to drop their initiative to win U.N. recognition of their state next month, something the Palestinians are doing out of frustration with stalled peace efforts.
Palestinian officials said they had not received such a proposal from Israel.
What could go wrong?
Labels: 1949 armistice lines, Binyamin Netanyahu, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, unilateral declaration of statehood
I still don't know the answer to my question: what's going on? Is he flip flopping?
I know your govt people agonize over this stuff and figure out what to do next... but (knew that was coming, eh?), given the fairly robust response to Danny Ayalon's youtube video, has Israel though of suing the quartet for something... I don't know exactly what. I mean, if you look at the Remo video and all the Oslo/quartet etc. stuff, and, mainly, that rockets are STILL to this week flying onto civilians, etc. I would think that maybe a civil suit could be filed for non-enforcement by the UN or something. I'm thinking turn the tables on the whole thing. Although I'm sure if it could be done, it would already have been done.
elder of ziyon posts more sad news for the white tribe of Euroland: no, it isn't about two states for two peoples
Offer the Palis Antarctica.
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