US judge 'undefaults' the PLO, reopens lawsuit to contest

This is something you don't see every day. In April 2005, after the defendants essentially stopped responding, a federal court issued a default judgment in favor of the victims of a February 2002 suicide bombing in the West Bank village of Karnei Shomron. Two American teenagers died in the bombing of the pizza parlor, and many others were injured.Since when is THAT a factor to be taken into account? And to vacate a default judgment SIX YEARS after the fact!?!
The victims and family members sued Syria as well as the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Palestinian Authority and others. By defaulting, the Palestinian organizations faced a judgment potentially exceeding $300 million. Now, though, they want a chance to contest the lawsuit.
In a decision made public Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon said that though "the default was wilfull at the time, (the Palestinian organizations) clearly demonstrated their commitment to engaging in this litigation." Moreover, Leon noted, imposing a massive liability "on a struggling government, even if that government is not a recognized state, is not something this court takes lightly."
The problem is that I'm not even sure this order is appealable. I think they have to go to trial and bring it up on appeal. Simply outrageous!
The picture is of 15-year old Keren Shatsky HY"D (may God avenge her blood). She was one of three teenagers who died in the bombing, and she was an American citizen. I assume her parents are among the plaintiffs.
I remember that bombing well - it was the night before son #4 child #7's circumcision, and I remember listening to the reports on the radio as I drove out to the mother and child convalescent home to pick up my wife and son.
Labels: default judgment, Karnei Shomron, Palestinian terrorism, PLO, Richard Leon
After reading his bio it seems that his judge has a soft spot for terrorist and murderers.I suspect he received a really good education in justicee at his Catholic University too.
These marxist caliphate people give me a stomach ache. It's the same with the advocates for freeing the poor mistreated murdering prisoners in U.S. jails. The leftists neutralize the initial crime... shootings, bombings, rockets, etc. and then, visualizing the criminals as the true victims and somehow justified in their murder, they want to eliminate any uncomfortable consequences. They want the criminals back on the streets to kill and maim the next ones.
So this judge, working in that mode, wants to eliminate any acknowledgement of the PA's ongoing murderousness (because they are the *real* victims) and put them back on the street to buy their next round of rockets, suicide vests, TV time and textbooks for the anti-semitic brainwash, etc. The judge thinks people look at him as an enlightened, kind, modern paragon. And that's what he cares about. No justice. Death is ok. These people are mental.
well, the EU-Obama push for Israeli concessions to appease Fatah to move ahead the "peace process" follows the same logic. Oh, we can't penalize the poor "government" of "Palestine" even though they walked out on the negotiations and attempted to bulldoze through Oslo in the Al Asqa intifada and are all over any and all possible BSD sponsors up to and including the UN to get around negotiations.
well, the EU-Obama push for Israeli concessions to lure Fatah into neogiations follows the same logic. Oh, we can't penalize the poor "government" of "Palestine" even though they walked out on the negotiations and attempted to bulldoze through Oslo in the Al Asqa intifada and are all over any and all possible BSD sponsors up to and including the UN.
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