Three UNIFIL troops wounded by roadside bomb

A roadside bomb blew up a UN vehicle near the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon on Monday, wounding at least three peacekeepers, Lebanese security and witnesses said.What could go wrong?
The nationality of the peacekeepers was not immediately clear.
"It was a roadside bomb that hit a UN troop carrier on a bridge in Sidon. We are still checking what their nationality is," a Lebanese security official said.
A similar attack near Sidon in May wounded six Italian peacekeepers, prompting Italy to look into reducing its peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon.
UNIFIL has about 12,000 troops and naval personnel in the country after its expansion under UN Security Council resolution 1701 that halted the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war in southern Lebanon.
It turns out that it was the French UNIFIL contingent that was targeted by you-know-who (Hat Tip: Soccer Dad). What a surprise.
Labels: Hezbullah, roadside bombs, UNIFIL
Ugh. IEDs are horrid. And have you seen this? I'm wondering if it is a joke. The U.S. State Dept.? If it is true, these people will do anything. Everybody will need to watch their backs until we can (please, please!) vote them out...
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