Your tax shekels and dollar donations at work at Ben Gurion University

Meet 'Chemistry Professor' Eyal Nir. Mr. Nir has called for 'breaking the necks' of Right wing Israelis.
For months the cabbagehead president of Ben Gurion University, Rivka Carmi, has been telling everyone and anyone willing to listen that there are no tenured traitors at all at her university besides Neve Gordon (SHE calls him a traitor!). She insists she is unaware of any problem at her university besides Gordon. She has never heard of the scores of other anti-Israel extremists on the faculty of her university. She does not know about any of the BGU faculty cheering on Hamas terror, cheering on the Qassam rockets fired into the Negev by the terrorists, denouncing Israel as a fascist apartheid regime, nor about the many BGU faculty supporting the “BDS” (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement of economic aggression against Israel. She does not know about BGU faculty members who have called for Israel to be annihilated. She does not know about BGU faculty members who penalize and harass students when they fail to toe the anti-Israel ideological mark of their professors. She does not know about entire departments at BGU in which non-leftists and Zionists may not teach. She does not know about indoctrination courses, where the entire course consists of anti-Israel propaganda. She cannot find any one-sided anti-Israel propaganda on campus either. She does not know about BGU faculty who have gotten hired and promoted and tenured on the basis of churning out anti-Israel hate propaganda. There are no problems at all at BGU, insists Madame Cabbagehead, other than Little Neve.Read it all.
Well, let us introduce you to Dr. Eyal Nir, who teaches chemistry at BGU, at least when he is not busy as an activist in the HADASH Stalinist Party and other anti-Israel groups. Over the weekend, the YNET news web site, run by Israel’s largest daily Yediot Ahronot, reported that Nir issued a call for murdering Israelis who fail to support his far-leftist communist political positions. Specifically, he called for the breaking of the necks of Israelis who march with Israeli flags and support the right of Jews to live in neighborhoods of East Jerusalem where Stalinists like Nir think that Jews do not belong.
And think about whom you're supporting when you donate money to Ben Gurion University.
Labels: Ben Gurion University, Eyal Nir, Israel's suicidal Left, radical Left, Rivka Carmi
Every Israeli academic institution is filled with Marxists and anti-Zionists. It says much about the collapse of academic standards that most of them have no real qualifications as experts and the only thing they're good at is to churn out at taxpayer expense, anti-Israel and pro-jihadist propaganda. They should be fired but don't hold your breath waiting for such an academic house-cleaning to happen in Israel.
What could go wrong indeed
very Israeli academic institution is filled with Marxists and anti-Zionists. It says much about the collapse of academic standards that most of them have no real qualifications
Errr, the quality of an education has nothing to do with whether it is pro or anti Zionist, marxist, or "pro jihadist". Those are political agenda's you are talking about.
They can pursue political agendas because of the demise of objective academic standards. They are not experts, they are anti-Israeli propagandists masquerading as academics. I bet not one of them has ever published a real research article in a refereed professional journal.
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