Scotch boycott gains traction

The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) – a partnership of 250 Jewish men’s clubs that claims more than 25,000 members throughout North America – has joined with synagogues both in Israel and in the diaspora in “suggesting a boycott of scotch from distillers located in West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland at Kiddush and [in] public and private” celebrations.Hmmm. One small problem boys. While I agree wholeheartedly with the boycott, I suspect that Jews are a drop in the bucket of Scotch consumption in the World. After all, we know the golden rule: For an Irish wedding, double the liquor, for a Jewish wedding, halve it.
The FJMC, which is affiliated with the Conservative movement, has called for Jews to avoid certain brands of spirits following a boycott of Israeli goods instituted by the local council of the whiskey-producing region.
“A boycott is like a snowball heading downhill,” said FJMC Executive Director Rabbi Charles Simon.
“It begins at the top of a large mountain, and gathers momentum until it is transformed into an avalanche.
If we wish to stop it, we need to act as soon as possible.”
Among the distilleries named in the boycott are Morrison Bowmore, Loch Lamond and Chivas Brothers.
Chivas Brothers produces the well-regarded Chivas, Glenlivet and Ballantine’s brands which are the preferred spirits in many so-called “Kiddush clubs,” which gather following services in some synagogues.
The decision by Rabbi Simon to urge FJMC members to engage in a counter-boycott came after well known Israeli-Anglo blogger and pro-settlement activist, Jameel Rashid, publicized on his website a letter to several distilleries located within West Dunbartonshire. Rashid wrote: “the global counterboycott of Scottish whiskey products, distilled in the West Durbanshire council region, is beginning.”
Anglo-Israelis, an important target market for purveyors of liquor here, have been circulating e-mails calling on both Israeli and American Jews to cease consumption of Scotch whiskey, and urging supporters of Israel to send copies of Rashid’s missive to the distilleries in question.
When “your local council representatives boycott my country – under the most unethical and immoral of pretext – you cannot expect your market to sit idly and pretend you are not perverting justice,” wrote Rashid.
By the way, here's another company that ought to be boycotted by supporters of Israel.
I'll give you my Glenlivet when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!
It may be true that Jews are small fraction of liquor market, but Dumbartonshire (sic) is a tiny market for Israeli books. It is pretty depressed area, (average life expectancy lower than in Gaza, according to Jewish Brits who initiated the boycott). I doubt if most of the residents know how to read or even count to twenty without removing their shoes. So Jewish boycott is good idea on principle, even if we can't expect to do any serious damage to them economically.
Both boycotts are a bad idea.
In this case a tit for tat is very stupid.
The West Durbanshire Council is behind the Israeli book ban. The Scotch Whisky company you're boycotting is a private enterprise. What is the connection? Why is a private company being boycotted when it has nothing to do with the book ban?
You'd be better served to reverse the book boycott on legitimate grounds, not something like this.
Not that whisky or alcohol sales mean anything to me.
Hey Shy Guy
I'll give you my Glenlivet when you pry it
You put your own selfish desires above your "cause"?? Can't you even cease getting drunk for your country?
Traitor..and what's that other word you love to hurl around at not good enough Jews. aah yes, "kapo"
Well you're worse than them, now go drown yourself :)
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