Obama on Netanyahu meeting: 'What the f**k was that!?!'

Shortly after the photo-op meeting and “working lunch” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one that saw President Obama openly chastised by the Prime Minister for Obama’s earlier public comments regarding wanting to see Israel return to its 1967 borders, the president verbally “went off” on Richard Daley in the private study area that adjoins the Oval Office. President Obama’s verbal attack was clearly heard by numerous staff up and down the West Wing hallways.Read the whole thing. Heh.
The essence of the president’s rage and embarrassment can best be summed up with him yelling out very loudly, “What the f-ck was that!?” That phrase was apparently repeated a number of times in the span of about five minutes, a time period in which Obama’s voice became “louder and louder” and culminating in Obama exclaiming, “Never again! Do you understand me? Never again!” Any response by Bill Daley back to the president, if given, was not overheard.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Binyamin Netanyahu, Richard Daley
Arrogant schmuck of an American president.
"Never again".
Brilliant!! BTW O's cynicism is deeply embedded, even to his choice of words: "Never again!"
WTF? really?
Have some patience, Sheikh Obambi, the one-term president, is almost history.
How dare a Jew, a filthy, f*ckin' Jew talk like that to the President!
Well, he didn't exactly say that out loud but you can guess he thought Netanyahu should have known his place.
Some things never do change...
who advised Obama on the 1967 border idea ?
Traitor in Chef Simon Peres, also known a the Oslo backstabber
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