Catholic Church demanded Jerusalem not be part of Israel in 1947?

Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, wanted control of the sacred centers, but they were not alone in being unable to abide the thought of Jewish control. Yes, the city was the most disputed real estate in Palestine, but mere political turf was not really the issue. The clue to the significance of the Corpus Separandum proposal for the city lay in its being offered in a Latin phrase – the language of Rome, which had initiated Jerusalem’s condition as an apocalyptic nerve center (see the Arch of Titus, near the Colosseum, with its bas-relief celebration of the first century destruction), and of Catholicism, which had kept the condition current. Greeks, too, were part of this, as Byzantium had carried forward assumptions about Jewish expulsion from the land that Constantine and his mother, Helena, had made holy. But by now the Vatican was the chief custodian of exile theology, and it was universally expected to be a party to any internationalizing arrangement. Rome’s unfulfilled desire for Jerusalem was the very genesis of the mimesis – the mimetic rivalry. (P.265)Hmmm.
Labels: 1947 partition plan, James Carroll, Jerusalem
Oh, so the idea was the Muslims would really go for a Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem because two Latin words were slapped onto it? Ok then, and it went so well the first time around too.
The "corpus separatum" was a sop to Christendom, intended to deny to the Jews control of Jerusalem. Current proposals to redivide Jerusalem again seek to accomplish the same outcome.
Thankfully, it was never implemented. Now the task of the Jewish people is to ensure all of Jerusalem remains under Israeli sovereignty.
Sparky, well said. We'd never go for that.
Thankfully, it was never implemented. Now the task of the Jewish people is to ensure all of Jerusalem remains under Israeli sovereignty.
Whomever controls the temple mount, controls Jerusalem :)
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