Statement from the Shomron (Samaria) liasion office and pictures of the Itamar terror victims

Five members of the Fogel family in Itamar Udi (father age 36) Ruth (mother age 35), Yoav (age 11), Elad (age 4) and Hadas (age 3 months) were murdered in their home in Itamar in Shomron by terrorists who infiltrated the Jewish community by jumping over the town's security fence. The five were stabbed to death. Their 12 year old daughter Tamar was first to find the bodies about an hour after the attack when she returned home from local youth movement activity. She found her two additional brothers sleeping in a room the terrorist had overlooked (thank G-d)..
The funeral for the five family members will be held tomorrow, Sunday March 13, 2011 at Har Hamenuchot cemetery in Jerusalem.
As news [of the] tragedy reached residents of the Shomron spontaneous demonstration where held at many locations throughout the region

Shomron Regional Council Head Gershon Mesika said that Defense Minister Ehud Barak was to blame for removing check points in the areas between Palestinian Authority in Shechem (Nabulus) and the Jewish communities in the area.
David Ha'ivri director of the Shomron Liaison Office called on Defense Minister Barak to take responsibility for his g[r]ave mistake and to resign from his position. Nothing less would be accepted in a country with accountab[i]l[it]y in government. The Israel authorities must apprehend all those involved in this cowardly massacre and bring them to justice.
The pictures scattered through this post are the four of the five victims. The fifth one, Elad HY"D, was in the previous post.
Labels: Itamar, Palestinian terror
I pray Israel has the strength to do what is needed to avenge this deeply troubling crime, my heart goes out to the surviving children.
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