The nightmare scenario?

During the meeting Abbas said there will be no peace with Israel until Fatah and Hamas reconcile.Abu Bluff's meeting made 'no headway' and that's probably a good thing for more reasons than you realize. I want to point out two things to you. First, note the reference to September. Second, note the picture at the top of this post, which is a picture of the United Nations General Assembly chamber with a UN flag and a 'Palestinian' flag.
The Palestinian president presented his plan to end the division and expressed his willingness to visit the Gaza Strip and engage in negotiations with Hamas leadership. He also reiterated his willingness to form a new Palestinian government with independent parties before elections are held.
"We must address regional changes and face the challenges before the Palestinian people united," Abbas said. "The first challenge is the continued aggression by Israel which threatens to attack Gaza again."
The Palestinian president also discussed the need to maintain the state of calm "in order to block further Israeli threats" and to fight challenges to the Palestinian cause. Abbas stressed this must be accomplished before September, which must see Palestinians united.
In September, the United Nations General Assembly will meet and the 'Palestinians' hope to get that body to unilaterally declare a 'Palestinian state.' That is why Abu Mazen is trying to reconcile with Hamas now. It will make it much easier to get the world to accept a 'Palestinian state' if there is only one such state.
Until now, we (or at least I) didn't take particularly seriously the prospect of the General Assembly declaring a 'Palestinian state.' After all, the Security Council admits states to the United Nations, and in the Security Council - particularly just 14 months before an American election - we could be reasonably confident that if all else fails, the United States will veto a resolution declaring a 'Palestinian state.' The General Assembly, on the other hand, has only declaratory powers, and cannot - for example - order troops into action against us. What Horovitz discovered this week is that the General Assembly may be a bit more powerful than that.
Early in the Korean War, frustrated that the Soviet Union’s repeated use of its UN Security Council veto was thwarting council action to protect South Korea, the United States initiated what became known as the UN General Assembly’s “Uniting for Peace” resolution.That's the scenario for which the 'Palestinians' are aiming: A deadlocked Security Council with a 14-1 vote being undone by a US veto. And I suggest you read David's entire article, because unfortunately, it seems quite plausible. And to make matters worse, Israel has not had a full-time ambassador at the United Nations for the last six months and will not have one for another two months (Ron Prossor, who has been designated for the position, has to transition his current job in London first). In fact, from reading Horovitz's article, one walks away with the perspective that the only way to stop this is if the US Congress convinces America's allies this is not the way to go.
Adopted in November 1950, UNGA Resolution 377 provides that, should the five permanent members of the Security Council find themselves at odds, rendering the council incapable of exercising its “primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security,” the General Assembly can step into the breach. If the Security Council’s permanent members cannot reach unanimity, it elaborates, and “there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression,” the General Assembly can fill the vacuum by issuing its own “appropriate recommendations” for “collective measures” to be taken by individual states – right up to and including “the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”
The “Uniting for Peace” Resolution is no dead letter. It was employed, most notably, in 1981, to outflank the Security Council and recommend both sanctions against South Africa for preventing Namibian independence, and assistance, including military assistance, for those seeking Namibian independence.
It should be stressed: The GA’s authority under the resolution is not binding, but it can certainly press supportive countries to take action, and in 1981 it did just that. It called upon member states “to render increased and sustained support and material, financial, military and other assistance to the South West Africa People’s Organization to enable it to intensify its struggle for the liberation of Namibia.” And it urged member states to immediately cease “all dealings with South Africa in order totally to isolate it politically, economically, militarily and culturally.”
The passage of that resolution, says Richard Schifter, a former US assistant secretary of state for human rights who spent years representing the US in various UN forums, “was a significant step in the process of imposing sanctions on apartheid South Africa and delegitimizing the country.”
The Palestinians have the objective of attaining world backing for statehood by September. But they far from ready to assume the responsibilities of statehood. In reality, they care more about hating Israel and killing Jews than they do in making peace and improving the lives of their own people.
I won't look for that to change by the fall.
The nations can take what legalistic cover they wish from their representatives sitting in the General Assembly voting to give themselves that cover. But how does this change anything?
If those wishing to provide material assistance to Hamas and Fatah feel better about that if they first put on their General Assembly UN hats to give themselves an OK for when they put their national sovereignty hats back on, well, that's their rationalizing prerogative.
But then they actually have to commit themselves to sanction or blockade or declare war or send troops or planes to wage war against Israel.
And this when Israel is not threatening the actual peace and welfare of the Palestinians but when Israel is in a position to deflect the nations' unlawful legalistic super BDS plus sophistries into the Palestinians' laps.
With the best guys in the world representing Israel in the UN, or if Israel walks away from the UN, Israel cannot command the nations to cease their plots and machinations against Zion or to cease their endless perversion of their international covenants to perjure themselves.
But Israel is next door to the Palestinians. They ain't.
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