Why the Knesset has to investigate the Leftist NGO's

Makor Rishon correspondent Gil Bringer reported in the 21 January edition that before leaving the government, then Welfare Minister MK Isaac Herzog (Labor) neutered the NGO law proposed by MK Elkin.It's not clear to me whether the bill can be restored to its original functions by the Knesset, and if not, why not.
Under the original law, NGO's receiving financial support from foreign governments would have to declare that they receive such funds when they participate in political hearings such a Knesset hearings. Herzog deleted the requirement.
Under the original law, NGOs receiving any funding from a foreign country were covered by the law. Herzog changed the law to cover only NGOs that receive more than 1/3 of their funding from foreign governments.
Herzog also deleted the "penalties" section of the law so that those who violate the law do not face criminal penalties.
In a speech to the Knesset, Herzog noted that he made the changes to the law in consultation with a senior official in the New Israel Fund.
Labels: Goldstone Report, New Israel Fund, Politics, World Politics, Yitzchak Herzog
The Palestinians and the entire Muslim world are pikers in comparison to the enemy within...
The bill can and should be restored now that the leftist Labor Party is finally out of the government.
What Buji did amounts incidentally, to a conflict of interest. Israel needs a law on financial disclosure by Israeli NGOs with strong teeth.
What could go wrong indeed
This is just madness... No wait, actually it's fascism.
And I thought the country was in trouble for a second there...
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