America's only on-campus ISM Chapter

Botstein has decided to allow the International Solidarity Movement(ISM), a group that openly admits it works with State Department designated terrorist groups such as Hamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, to set up shop on his campus using campus facilities and student activity money to train ISM activists to go to the West Bank and interfere with anti-terror operations of the Israeli army, as well as to act as human shields for Palestinian terror groups.It gets worse. Read the whole thing.
The ISM at Bard has actually invited Huwaida Arraf, a co-founder of the ISM and one of the main organizers of the Gaza Flotilla boats that continually try to run the Israeli navy's control of the sea lanes to Gaza to import weapons for Hamas. Arraf was invited to campus to do recruiting for ISM terrorism enablers once before and I alerted Botstein then, too, who did nothing about it. The Bard ISM campus group even recently raised money for the Gaza flotillas that included IHH, an al Qaeda-affiliated "charity" that was involved in the millennium bomb plot to blow up the LA airport in 2000. It is common knowledge the ISM organizes these flotillas in order to try to enable the Iranians to run weapons to the Hamas to attack Israeli civilians on Israel's southern border with rockets and mortars. Photos are available of ISM activists receiving medals from Hamas leaders in Gaza.
Huwaida Arraf came to train ISM volunteers on that campus a year ago and to raise finances for them and organize similar trips sometimes even in Bard's name. Bard ISM recruits are trained in how to lie to the Israeli border police in order to enter Israel illegally and go to the West Bank (also illegal) to assist in fomenting weekly riots from the mosques against Israel's security fence. They are taught how to falsify their passports if caught and deported. The ISM always looks for scams in order to promote its agenda calling for complete dismantling of Israel as a Jewish state, so ISM activists have even in the past managed to lie about being Jewish to utilize the Birthright Program, a program set up by Jewish philanthropists to send Jewish students to Israel to appreciate the Jewish state. The ISM have had their activists pose as being Jewish to get free transportation to the Middle East where they could then interfere with IDF troops and encourage rioting and rock throwing as what they call "legitimate resistance." Sometimes their activists pose as journalists or even students, one reason a Bard-ISM chapter comes in handy. The fact that Botstein and his "deans" might swallow some of the ISM's lies about being "peace activists" or "human rights workers" would come as no surprise when they are really human shields for Palestinian terror groups, particularly Hamas. Such subterfuge is taught in ISM training manuals.
Getting a college like Bard to foot the bill through student activity money and lend legitimacy to their actions is quite a feather in the ISM's cap. This is one reason why there are not other ISM chapters on colleges across the nation. That is, so long as some college presidents unlike Botstein don't let them fool people into thinking they are part of the academic experience instead of terrorist enablers, the others don't train activists to physically aid Hamas.
Labels: Bard College, International Solidarity Movement, Leon Botstein
What is it with Jews who help to destroy Israel?
I'll never get it!
Oy, this is The Husband's alma mater. Thank you for getting the word out.
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