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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sporadic posting

For those of you who have noticed that posting has been sporadic (although you won't see this for another hour, this is the fourth post I have written in the last half hour, even though each of them claims to be an hour apart), I am having BOTH car problems and computer problems. After spending the entire morning on the phone dealing with my laptop's inability to connect to the new router, I am now out at the mechanic figuring out why all the lights in our car failed on the way home from a Bar Mitzva in Beit Shemesh last night.

I'm doing the best I can today.... Please keep coming back to the site.

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At 5:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carl.
Obama in Jakarta:
Obama said he hasn't seen the kind of progress in negotiations that "could finally create a framework for a secure Israel living side by side in peace with a sovereign Palestine."Hmmm....Sovereign state of Palestina."


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