America must choose: The UN or Israel?
President Obama may want to choose the UN over Israel, but fortunately,
80% of Americans would choose Israel.
President Obama has a jaundiced view of Israel, says Bolton, but actual recognition of "Palestine" seems remote. A more indirect but still effective course is to let statehood emerge through a Security Council resolution: “Israel would then confront a dramatic change in its international posture, facing a political equivalency with the new state of Palestine.
“A Security Council resolution fixing the 1967 lines as borders would call into question even Israel's legitimacy, dramatically undercutting prospects for security and defensibility,” says Bolton.
Bolton’s thinking has resonated in the past week. If America joined the world in opposition to Israel it would not hinder Israel’s progress in the world. It would, however, leave the U.N. jaundiced in the eyes of Americans, eight out of 10 of whom feel kindly toward Israel, and it would nurture the U.N.’s advanced state of irrelevancy.
But Roger Cohen, who keeps a close eye on Israel, writes in his New York Times column a week after Bolton’s piece: “President Barack Obama has to overcome that [Israeli] skepticism if his words to the United Nations General Assembly five weeks ago are not to be added to the long list of well-meaning Middle East blather. Those words were: ‘When we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the United Nations — an independent sovereign state of Palestine, living in peace with Israel.’
“I don’t believe Israel has yet got to where the world is: the inevitability of a Palestinian state,” writes Cohen.
That is exactly the issue: the advanced Woodstock Nation model of world peace — the illusion of permanent global American cultural conquest. But “we are the world” only in hippie law. The “rest of the world’s” opinion should be as irrelevant to Israel as it is to South Boston or (“Come and take it”) Texas. And the president of the United States does not speak for “the world” in opposition to Israel or anyplace else outside our borders.
Read the whole thing.
If the Arabs wanted a palestinian state they could have gotten it in 1948 but they didn't want it, they wanted Israel annihilated and they still want it done today. That is plainly a hate crime that has continued for centuries. It is like
a dog that will not let go of a bone.
Here is a good article by Cal Thomas:
"Betraying Israel"
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