Will Obama make a 'sacrifice for peace'?

IMRA understands that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would have noHmmm.
problem getting his cabinet to approve a three month extension of the settlement construction freeze in exchange for the release of Jonathan Pollard. Just as important - if not more - none of the parties in the ruling coalition are expected to threaten to leave the government in the event that such a deal is implemented.
In the coming days we will see just how seriously interested the Obama administration is in extending the settlement construction freeze for another three months.
They certainly "talk the talk" when it comes to lecturing Israel about the need to make "sacrifices for peace."
But now the shoe is on the other foot.
Is President Obama willing to make a "sacrifice for peace"?
I decided to move my comment up to the main post since not all of you read the comments.
I'm not convinced this is so bad.
We'd all like to see Pollard released, and we all know that it should carry no price. If nothing else, the man deserves to be released because he has spent such a disproportionate amount of time in jail.
But the reality is that we have very few cards to hold over the US on this one, and we're not going to get Pollard out without giving the US something unless - God forbid - they decide he has only a short time to live. Remember when Bibi tried to spring him in exchange for the Why Why Wye deal?
As long as it's a SHORT extension (3 months seems to be an outer limit), and it doesn't include the second half of the deal that we've heard (spending the next three months negotiating nothing but borders), I'd be thrilled to get Pollard out, knowing that neither the US nor the 'Palestinians' would have that card to play again in December.
Of course, I don't believe the US will do this anyway - I think George Tenet will stop Obama from doing it. But I'd love to see Pollard released after all these years.
If you scroll down to the comments, you may find that others disagree.
This is bad.
I have a terrible feeling that Pollard would rather kill himself than being the pawn responsible for an ongoing freeze of any length.
And that would make many people on both sides happy. :(
Shy Guy,
I'm not convinced this is so bad.
We'd all like to see Pollard released, and we all know that it should carry no price. If nothing else, the man deserves to be released because he has spent such a disproportionate amount of time in jail.
But the reality is that we have very few cards to hold over the US on this one, and we're not going to get Pollard out without giving the US something unless - God forbid - they decide he has only a short time to live. Remember when Bibi tried to spring him in exchange for the Why Why Wye deal?
As long as it's a SHORT extension (3 months seems to be an outer limit), and it doesn't include the second half of the deal that we've heard (spending the next three months negotiating nothing but borders), I'd be thrilled to get Pollard out, knowing that neither the US nor the 'Palestinians' would have that card to play again in December.
Of course, I don't believe the US will do this anyway - I think George Tenet will stop Obama from doing it. But I'd love to see Pollard released after all these years.
You're not reading what I wrote.
We might not ever see Pollard out alive.
The blog post below takes up the Pollard issue, compared with other spy cases, among other issues related to Obama's anti-Israel policy.
As far as I know, Jay has consistently refused to be part of this type of deal but I am not privy to his thinking at the moemnt nor that of Elaine.
I agree with Shy Guy - the US won't ever release him.
But for Israel to agree to a limited "freeze" extension, Pollard would have to be released first.
Israel would then be getting something for the concession.
Otherwise - "NO"!
Israel must not agree to a freeze extension for nothing.
Carl you are right, this proposal is not so bad. In fact the logic is impeccable. Unfortunately the rest of your comment indicates that you might not have really understood the proposal. Allow me to clarify for you and for your readers.
This is NOT about leverage or bargaining power. IT is not about asking the US to do anything, or offering the US anything. This is about the fact that by offering to free Pollard in return for the 3 month freeze, the US would be making Israel an offer which Israel could not refuse -- especially if the offer were made openly and forthrightly. Simply put: The US wants something from Israel -- a 3 month extension of the building freeze. How bad do they want it? Do the Americans want it bad enough to make Israel an offer that they can't refuse? Israel cannot and will not refuse the 3 month freeze extension if Pollard is returned home in exchange. Period.
And one more thing Carl, what would make you think that a has-been like George Tenet could stop Obama from exercising his powers of executive clemency?!! George Tenet????!!!! Why not Superman or Donald Duck, or even the Ghost of Christmas Past? They have as much influence over Obama's decisions as George Tenet does!
Just FYI, Clinton USED Tenet as the excuse for reneging at Wye; Tenet was NEVER the reason. Just ask the 14 FALN terrorists Clinton freed a months later, in spite of Tenet's strenuous objections. Facts, Carl, just facts! Thank for sharing this with your readers.
PS in response to ShyGuy:
Pollard would never kill himself! A prisoner is essentially a pawn, with very little control over most aspects of his life. Why in the world would Pollard kill himself if the President of the United States makes a decision to free him under circumstances that Pollard does not agree with? Is that what you would do if the President were to make a decision affecting your life that you do not agree with? Kill yourself? Really! Whatever could you be thinking?!!!
Eliyahu m'Tsiyon,
Aren't you the guy who wrote in a comment on my Rosh HaShanna dream that he wasn't posting here anymore because I'm such a pessimist? Is posting under a different name but linking the same blog okay? Or have I mixed you up with someone else (in which case I apologize)?
David said...
PS in response to ShyGuy:
Pollard would never kill himself! A prisoner is essentially a pawn, with very little control over most aspects of his life. Why in the world would Pollard kill himself if the President of the United States makes a decision to free him under circumstances that Pollard does not agree with?
You answered your own question but you don't realize it.
To Shy Guy
Time to adjust your thinking cap! Pollard has spent 25 years fighting for his freedom. In the worst prison conditions and against all odds, for 25 long and difficult years Pollard has fought to stay alive to get home to his wife. Yet, you continue to insist that Pollard may kill himself in protest if he is freed! (What are you smoking?!) Your suggestion that Pollard might want to give up his life if the President uses him as a bargaining chip against his will, is so off the wall that it is almost funny! Get a grip, man!
To Shy Guy
Time to adjust your thinking cap! Pollard has spent 25 years fighting for his freedom. In the worst prison conditions and against all odds, for 25 long and difficult years Pollard has fought to stay alive to get home to his wife. Yet, you continue to insist that Pollard may kill himself in protest if he is freed! (What are you smoking?!) Your suggestion that Pollard might want to give up his life if the President uses him as a bargaining chip against his will, is so off the wall that it is almost funny! Get a grip, man!
Pollard has spoken strongly in the past of his opposition to being bartered at the expense of his fellow Jews.
He's as dedicated to his people as they come, not to himself. That's why.
To ShyGuy
Your comments this time are accurate and astute. However, your conclusion is flawed. Pollard is, as you point out, totally devoted to the Jewish People and to the Land of Israel. He survives by clinging with all of his might to the G-d of Israel. That is precisely why he would never harm himself. His devotion to G-d, to the People and to the Land mean that he must live and he must ultimately be and do only kiddush HaShem -- something which Pollard well understands. Thank you for your comments all the same.
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