To The Israel Project: Whose side are you on anyway?

American Jewish publications have received numerous proposals in recent days from senior Palestinian officials to interview Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who will be arriving in New York next week to attend the United Nations General Assembly.I could not find this on The Israel Project's web site.
The Palestinians hope to utilize Abbas' trip to carry out what they describe as a "smiles and appeasement campaign" among America's Jewish community, in efforts to raise sympathy and support among U.S. Jews.
Abbas' senior advisers were also trying to secure an interview on the popular channel Fox News.
The non-profit organization Israel Project, which provides information on the Middle East, was planning to hold a special dinner in Abbas' honor during his visit.
But in the words of Representative Mike Pence (R-Ind), The Israel Project, whose side are you on anyway?
This is the same Abu Bluff who asked to withdraw his endorsement from the Geneva Intiative's recent peace propaganda pitch.
The Israel Project organizers should ask the Palestinian President why he won't agree to accept Israel as the Jewish State. In exchange for all he would get, he wouldn't pay much.
So what's stopping him?
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