Iran whining over UN sanctions

Those UN sanctions may be having some effect on Iran. Iran has started
whining about them.
Iran is "being tried for a crime" it hasn't committed, said Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast on Sunday, in an interview with the IRIB.
According to an Iranian Press TV report, the official referred to the UN Security Council sanctions in place against Iran's nuclear program, and stated that these were not only unwelcome, they would also not discourage the country from pursuing their nuclear program, which they say is for strictly peaceful purposes.
Also on Sunday, a top Iranian lawmaker said that millions of people worldwide are demanding Israeli leaders be put on trial for "brutal acts as occupiers in Palestinian land."
First Vice Speaker of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard made the comments to ISNA, adding that he hoped the resistance would help to bring about Israel's defeat.
Keep whining. You won't get much sympathy. Heh.
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