Here comes the next issue in the 'peace talks'

Rawabi is billed as the first planned city in the 'Palestinian Authority.' It is to be located near Ramallah and to have a population of about 25,000. It will encroach on the Jewish town of Ateret. It is being funded by the government of Qatar, with some of the initial funding money coming from USAID. The Defense ministry has
turned down a request for additional land for a new road to Rawabi. And you can bet that will be an issue in the next round of the 'peace talks.'
Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said that Israel will not relinquish land to the Palestinian Authority for the sake of creating new roads for a new Arab city of Rawabi in Samaria.
In response to query make by Knesset Member Uri Ariel (National Union) Vilnai wrote that "The position of Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, is there is no Israeli agreement to the Palestinian request to transfer land. Palestinians were offered a number of alternatives."
He further stated that the Defense Department works with the Palestinian Authority to promote entrepreneurship consistent with Israeli interests."
MK Ariel said in response that "there was still good to see a drop of sanity in the Defense Ministry."
The Defense Ministry can't justify giving the Palestinians land and allowing them to build while it freezes construction in the revanants. That hypocrisy would just be too much for Israelis to put up with. If there's going to be an extended freeze, it should be imposed on BOTH sides, not just on the Jews.
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