Fall back

Yes, although it is quite controversial, we are going on winter time tonight.
The history of daylight time in Israel has been a religious controversy for many years (I need to get to sleep so I won't recount the whole issue). The latest schedule (spring ahead the last week in March, fall back the Saturday night before Yom Kippur) is because fasting for 25 hours on Yom Kippur 'feels different' when the fast ends at 7:00 instead of at 6:00.
This evening, I saw a statement by Interior Minister Eli Yishai who said that daylight time is not a religious issue. If that's true, he should do the right thing and support making it dependent on the solar cycle (and not the lunar cycle) by making daylight time end of March until end of September for next year (no need to exaggerate like they have done in the US and no need to change back again next week as some here are calling for).
How about fixing Israel time all year round at GMT +2:30, rather than flip-flopping between +2 and +3?
Carl and Shy Guy, the only reason Israel returns to Standard Time earlier than other Western countries is to shorten the time the Yom Kippur fast ends.
Israel could move to Daylight Savings Time year around with no apparent ill affect. The Jewish day has no specific time when it begins and ends so no halachic issue is involved.
never found the taanis on yom kippur hard...thanks to being in shul all day
tisha b'av is hard....nothing to do
should changed the clocks right before tisha b'av and then set them back right after
here in america, thanks to the change in daylight savings time...yom kippur is now always longer and so is the first seder for pesach
daylight savings time was set up for farmers originally....then used to save energy during the 70s
dont really know the point of it today
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