Euroweenies won't accept renewed construction

Aren't you glad we made a 'one-time concession'? It seems that the Euroweenies have learned from the Arab school of pocketing Israeli concessions and then
demanding more.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says the "global public opinion will not accept a situation in which Israel decides to resume construction in the settlements."
Speaking in an interview to the London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper, Kouchner added that his country was working with the United States to reach a solution on the matter "as this is a very critical issue."
What could go wrong?
"don't accept..." don't accept what?
what is it that they have to accept?
to build or not to build is a decision of the israel government, not of international concent.
if they not "accept", what are they going to do, invade isarel?
The French can stuff their threats where the sun don't shine.
The Eurotrash are the last people on earth to lecture Jews on where they can live. They made it clear a generation ago they didn't want Jews in their own midst.
They can go to hell!
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