The bear guards the honey: Nuclear proliferator to head IAEA board

Isn't this brilliant? Guess what country has been named to
head the board of the IAEA.
Pakistan, which refuses to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and was home to a notorious nuclear-smuggling ring, was named head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog's governing board on Monday.
At a special one-day meeting, the International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-member board of governors appointed "by acclamation" the head of Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission, Ansar Parvez, as its chairman for the next 12 months, taking over from Malaysia.
The board of governors is the IAEA's most important policy-making body after the 151-nation general conference and meets five times a year.
Its rotating chair is appointed for a period of one year with the main task of presiding over debates and helping the board of governors reach consensus decisions.
Parvez said he saw no problem with the choice, even though Pakistan, like India and Israel, refuses to sign the NPT.
Pakistan has held the chair before and India has done so twice.
What could go wrong?
And these two hypocrites (Pakistan and India), in the gang of hypocrites known as the IAEA, lash out at Israel for not doing what they themselves refuse to do and they get awarded plum seats on the agency's board. Not Israel.
Go figure.
From the article: Pakistan, like India and Israel, refuses to sign the NPT.
Pakistan has held the chair before and India has done so twice. ----- And how many times has Israel been the head of this IAEA Board? I am going to take a guess and say never. I did a google search and couldn't find any info for Israel being the head. What a disgrace these international bodies are. I wish we would just abolish them, they seem to do more harm than good.
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