Turkey inspecting returned ships for bombs and radioactivity

This is amazing. Three Turkish ships that had been held by Israel since the Mavi Marmara incident in May were returned to Turkey over the weekend. The Turks are keeping them isolated in a port and
inspecting them for bombs.
Turkish bomb squads are in the process of inspecting three ships that have been docked at the Mediterranean port of İskenderun since Saturday in order to defuse any possible bombs or unexploded devices that may have been left on board.
Following the inspection of the Mavi Marmara, Defne-Y and Gazze by bomb disposal units, the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency (TAEK) will also measure the level of radioactivity on the ships. The inspections are being carried out under high security.
Meanwhile, deputy chair of the Humanitarian Aid Foundation (İHH) and chief organizer of the flotilla Hüseyin Oruç, assistant to the chair of the İHH Ahmet Sarıkurt, captain of the Mavi Marmara Mahmut Tural, Defne-Y engineer Rıfat Lüleci, lawyer Ramazan Arıtürk and other officials came to the port to see the vessels. Security did not allow them to enter the area where the ships were docked.
Oruç said they would be able to board the ships once the inspections are completed. When asked why bomb disposal units were sent to inspect the vessels, he responded, “Anything is to be expected of those who killed nine people.”
Who has been carrying out suicide attacks against whom for the last 30 years?
here's betting they will find something
next time we should just sink them
The Stupid Jews will never sink an enemy ship. If you saw the world outcry over their killing a handful of terrorists, imagine the outrage if they sink a large enemy vessel at sea. No - Israel is too petrified of world opinion to put a real stop to provocative flotillas.
I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
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