Ahmadinejad issues a dare

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told al-Jazeera on Sunday that Israel is '
too weak' to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. He also threatened to attack anyone who dared to launch a military strike against Iran.
Speaking to the Qatari-based satellite network in an interview translated from Farsi, Ahmadinejad reiterated the warning against a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, saying he rejected the "possibility of an attack by Israel."
"Israel is too weak to face up to Iran militarily," the Iranian president said, adding that Jerusalem did not have "the courage to do it... and I do not think its threat is serious."
Referring to the possibility of a U.S.-led strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad claimed "America is not interested in sparking a military confrontation," but vowed "decisive response" if Washington indeed went ahead with its threats military action.
"There are no logical reasons for the United States to carry out such an act," Ahmadinejad told Al-Jazeera.
"Do you believe an army that has been defeated by a small army in Iraq can enter into a war with a large and well trained army like the Iranian army?" he asked, referring to the insurgents in Iraq.
The Al-Jazeera interview came hours after a high-ranking officer in Iran's Revolutionary Guards told the semi-official Fars news agency that Iran's reaction to a possible U.S. military strike against its nuclear facilities would target American interests beyond the Middle East.
Speculating on the possibility of a U.S. strike against Iran's developing nuclear program, Deputy Revolutionary Guards Commander for Political Affairs Brigadier General Yadollah Javani said earlier Sunday that "if Americans make a strategic mistake and choose the military option against the Islamic Republic and our nation's interests, Iran will not confine its defense to the region."
"In case of any illogical move, the Islamic Republic's hands and advocates will be powerfully activated against the interests of the hegemonic system and U.S. bases outside the region," Javani told Fars.
Ahmadinejad seems to be spoiling for a fight. Is there something we don't know?
He's spoiling for a fight with the US because he knows that Obama would force our armed forces to cut and run.
Israel has hundreds of nukes, no?
Iran has 16 or so areas of high population, no?
Tehran's unique geography provides both radiation and reflection force in addition to a direct nuclear blast, no? [Perhaps Ahmadinejad should not taunt Jews about Auschwitz ovens when he lives in a giant oven [which only needs to be turned on] himself.]
It does not take a mathematician to solve this puzzle. -- "Ack-my dinner jacket" loves to run his mouth.
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