Former CIA director: US more likely to attack Iran

Former CIA director Michael Hayden told CNN on Sunday that the United States is now
more likely to attack Iran than it was before.
“My personal view is that Iran left to its own devices will get itself to that step right below a nuclear weapon," said Hayden, "and frankly that will be as destabilizing as their actually having a weapon.”
The former CIA director stated that an attack on Iran had not originally been a serious option, but in light of Iran's intensified pursuit of nuclear materials, the military option "may not be the worst of all possible outcomes.”
Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush, said that during his tenure "a strike was way down the list of options." But he tells CNN's State of the Union that such action now "seems inexorable."
"In my personal thinking," Hayden said, "I have begun to consider that that may not be the worst of all possible outcomes."
Hayden said that the likelihood of a U.S. strike on Iran has rises in face of Tehran's defiance to halt its contentions nuclear program, saying "We engage. They continue to move forward."
"We vote for sanctions. They continue to move forward. We try to deter, to dissuade. They continue to move forward," he added.
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