UC Irvine Muslim Student Union suspended for a year

Jewish Federation Orange County announced this morning it has learned the results of UC Irvine’s judicial process. UCI has suspended the Muslim Student Union (MSU) for one year and placed it on disciplinary probation for an additional year. That’s not all. The MSU is also required to collectively complete 50 hours of community service. As a result, it will not be allowed to conduct organized campus events until at least the fall of 2011.Let's go to the videotape.
Read the whole thing.
I don't know about the rest of you but I NEVER expected this to happen. Hopefully it's the start of something good.
If such extremist groups are forced to show forbearance, the university may again become a marketplace of ideas. It remains to be seen to what extent groups like UCI's Muslim Student Union are forced to abide by that principle.
uci was becoming the laughing stock of the uc system...a system which prides itself on championing free speech for all
but because of the thugs in the msu, many jewish and israeli students felt constantly intimidated...and yet the school did nothing
the joke of the oren event were the extreme leftists that came to the defense of the muslim hoods
not once during the years did they stand up for the rights of the jews on campus...whose every event was hounded by these scum.
uci didnt just get pressure from local jewish groups...they got alot of pressure from uc alums...and that is why they moved finally to suspend the msu
this is a rather light spank on the wrist...the group should have been banned from campus...they should be banned from the entire uc system
all their events ever entail is bashing israel...unlike other groups, they do little for the local community or even for the international community
however, they do have the right to appeal...so lets wait to see how that goes...it will probably take the rest of the summer for the appeal to be heard and decided on
When this story first broke I was wondering who these middle aged loons are and why they were allowed to disrupt a speaking engagement.
It would be interesting to know who these freaks are!
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