EU foreign ministers call to open Gaza crossings now

The European Union's foreign ministers met on Monday and issued a lengthy
statement about Gaza.
On the flotilla, they demanded "an immediate, full and impartial inquiry into these events and the circumstances surrounding them. To command the confidence of the international community this should include credible international participation."
It is not clear from this statement if the EU consider that the committee appointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu meets requirements.
On that issue, I would say that the answer is "yes, or they would have said so," and let sleeping dogs lie.
On the Gaza blockade the EU ministers said: "The continued policy of closure is unacceptable and politically counterproductive... line with UN Security Council Resolution 1860, the EU reiterates its call for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza including goods from the West Bank."
Regarding Israeli security concerns they said the blockade end must include "a solution that addresses Israel's legitimate security concerns including a complete stop to all violence and arms smuggling into Gaza." The ministers expressed a willingness to help Israel implement this.
The minister's were addressed by the Quartet's middle-east mediator, Tony Blair, who earlier said that he believed Israel would ease its blockade. This part of the statement may reflect Blair's influence on the minsters.
Good luck with that. Israel is not going to open the crossing 'unconditionally' in any event, and it will only continue the current policy - with a possible expansion of goods admitted - if the rocket fire stops and if there is 'progress' toward Gilad Shalit's release. The crossings will not open unconditionally without Shalit's release. Nor should they.
Part of the EU statement was also addressed to Hamas. The Ministers said they "deplore the continuing acts of rocket fire. All those responsible must take immediate and concrete steps to cease and prevent such violence. The Council calls on those holding the abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit to release him without delay. Hamas must also unconditionally allow ICRC access and end its interference with the operations of NGOs and UN agencies in Gaza."
Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Unfortunately. And by the way, why is the EU absolving Hamas of responsibility for Shalit ("those holding the abducted soldier"). Do they think someone else has him?
The swastika needs to be rotated 45 degrees. See here.
with the recent killing of a police officer on the west bank as a result of the easing of checkpoints....i really hope israel tells them to all go straight to frackin hell
The prospects Israel will heed Europe on Gaza are slim to none. Europeans do not have to live with the reality of Hamas. Israel does. That crucial difference is all the reason in the world why Israel has its own policy on dealing with threat Hamas poses to its existence.
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